Part 1:

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   Moving to another state was a clean slate for Devin.  Literally, clean from everything toxic.  He left the life of drugs in Alabama.   The arrival to Pennsylvania didn't come easy due to the method of getting his plane ticket required him to prostitute himself out to an older man.    Nevertheless, he did what was necessary to get out of Alabama.  He was in survival mode and could no longer survive anywhere in Alabama. 
   As he flies away he looks down at the ashes of the bridges he burned and the haunting memory of a past he is running away from.  The relief it must have felt to know that he was no longer in danger of the past he was running away from.
   Escaping death a number of times in the past through his heroine addiction.  He wasn't prepared for the aftermath of his actions that resulted in the death of his closeted ex boyfriend.  
   Yes, if being a drug addict wasn't bad enough in Alabama.  In the eyes of the Bible thumpers around being gay was probably equally bad.   But for Devin he was a drug addict first.  Which was why he influenced those around him to try his drug of choice in order to manipulate his way of access to his desired dopamine.   
   It was a toxic night between Devin and Hambone.  Hambone wanted to leave.  In an effort to prevent him from leaving Devin took his keys away.   Devin with his friend Lauren to help assist in undermining him.   Arguments between the two echo through the home and keys go in one direction and his phone in the other.   Immediately hambone runs out of the house and away from Devin.   Devin locks his door in frustration.  
  Hambone runs as far as he could before coming to the realization that he isn't going to get anywhere on foot. Especially in the cold. 
  He knocks on Devin's door begging him to let him in.  Devin refuses and tells him to go away.  A few hours later Devin goes outside to find hambones body. DEAD.  Hambone died of hypothermia.
    As the shaking of the airplane triggers his PTSD. He's reminded of how he ran to his mother's and how she protected him.   A mother will ultimately always protect her child even if her child is a monster.  
  The reality being is that Devin would never survive in prison despite it being his sexual playground.  His only choice being to runaway and start over. 
-exits the aircraft.  WELCOME TO PENNSYLVANIA.

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