Part 9:

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  Living in a hotel is far from a glamorous lifestyle and it was impossible to save money for a place to live.   Paying between $500-$600 a week.  Our survival was based upon working and sleeping at this time that wouldn't allow much in between.   No time to really apply ourselves to looking even if we did have the money.  I gave Devin the suggestion since he worked in the area we wanted to live that we would have a greater chance of finding a place if he put the word out.  What good would applying that method in E-town when he didn't have a driver's license to go to Hispire, Pennsylvania for work.
   So, when Devin brought the news of finding an apartment this is what he told me "We would be taking over a lease for this regular customer he had coming through his line at work.  That the rent would be $500 a month."   
  What actually happened is we ended up moving into an apartment with a roommate name Ryan W.  We were told the apartment was pet friendly so we brought our two cats.  
     Elsa, my calico cat that came into my life and chose me as her owner by prancing her way into my home and rubbing up against my Luke 🐶.   Missy Millie Noodle Charlotte Flair,  her name just kept growing in humor aspect and she was Devin's birthday present the  following year.  Missy a tuxedo bread cat with a wild side, girlie was meant for the streets and walked like she was tough shit. 
   Despite the false advertising of the apartment I would allow Devin to convince me to continue with the process of moving in.   With a haunting memory of meeting Devin at his job to notify my discomfort which lead to a verbal altercation outside his work. 
  Once in the apartment a shift in demeanor occurred when Devin decided he had an opportunity to turn on me.    Opening the floodgates of suppressed emotions that he would tell me he held in due to the fact of feeling I would kick him out on the streets. The verbal abuse would hit like bullet wounds.   He went from sleeping in the same bed as me to sleeping on the couch.   Due to me working longer hours than him and being paid triple his wage I held the burden of bills.   Allowing Devin to manipulate me into paying $1500 in one month with excuses that the money went to fix Ryan W.  truck that way he could go to work.   Each time held a promise that I wouldn't have to pay the following month.  
  While alone Devin would be loving and sweet.  But once in the apartment and around Ryan W.  A different side to him came to the surface.  Once again like a flip of a switch he would turn on me.   "Ryan what did I tell you about showing up to my work." It was the only way I could communicate the feeling we were being screwed over by this roommate situation.  Not to mention when I did visit him at work he would ask me softly " will you bring me my meth pipe 🙄." Desperate to make Devin happy I obliged.   So, you can only imagine the mental trauma I endured being ripped apart in the most bipolar way possible.   It was as if the only way Devin had a backbone was in the company of others. Which shows to his horrific and disgusting character. 
  Due to being financially burdened with hotel room bills and being screwed over by this new roommate situation.   I was forced to put responsibilities to the side.  My car needed to be worked on and I needed to get it inspected and updated.   My drivers license was about to expire and due to working long hours I was struggling with the time to sort it out. My mental state  was at a downfall and in Devin's eyes it was all my fault.   Not once to ever accept responsibility for anything and the monster he always was started coming to the surface.  Yet I was holding on to a person I thought he was.  Little did I know that the version of him I thought he was didn't exist.   Because that would have required for him to be a good human. 
   During a time when I couldn't make it to work due to car issues Devin and I had a heated argument.  My car needed a new battery and had I not been screwed over I could take care of my responsibilities.  However, I do accept responsibility for my own actions.  I should have had the strength to make better decisions.  
  As we sit in silence with tension in the air the sound of something coming through the mail slot in the door hits the floor.   I get up and bend down to retrieve it.   We were receiving yet another eviction notice (photographed above.). It confirmed everything that I feared to be correct.  Not to toot my own horn but I'm never wrong with exception of my judgment of Devin.  
   Angry at this discovery I would pack up and leave.   You'd think Devin would have left with me. But no, he stayed.   All of a sudden the person who saved his life from Alabama didn't matter to him. Aligning himself with the person who screwed the both of us out of money.  Devin didn't care because he was free of me.

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