Part 12:

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    I never expected that I would gain a best friend immediately when working at dollar general.  Also, never expected that friendship would come in the form of my boss either.   We understood each other and we never failed to make each other laugh.  Immediately giving her the nickname name Crusty.  "ew I hate it." 
  My happiness would blossom as I began to get close with my coworkers.   A bond I don't think I'll ever have or allow myself to have with my coworkers moving forward.  
  So, when they opened a pool hall next door to work.  You can only imagine how fun work became as we would spend our breaks and off time shooting pool.   We would get free shots through advertising the new business to our customers at dollar general and sending people to check out the new hotspot.  The atmosphere was wonderful as Christine and I would take back shots and shoot on our traumatic relationships.  But, when we played pool.  We were in our element.  Something took over us and it was as if we were the only ones in the establishment.   It was so much fun and we had the time of our lives .  Regularly we would plan time to hang with the crew at the pool hall as my friends at work became like family.  It was through many moments of explaining my love for Devin that Christine knew what I was experiencing.   Given her rocky relationships as I have the memory of her crying to me in the pool hall as she goes " I want someone to love me like you love Devin, that's all I want."
    Unfortunately that came in the form of a man name Adam.  Having a haunting memory of answering a FaceTime call from mother. "Son, I'm not doing good.   I've been shooting up."  I would respond by saying mom I don't know what you want me to do to help you.   Having repeatedly trying to rescue her from her abusive ex boyfriend many times.   The same boyfriend I beat the fuck out of in order to protect both my brother and Devin.  I get off the phone with my mother to try to shift my focus back to work.   Going into the back room I'm greeted by Christine who is all peppy.   "Ryan you are going to be so mad at me."  Holds out her arms.  "Adam shot me up and it felt amazing!!"  I pretended like that news didn't bother me as I cried after she left. What are the odds that my mother and best friend tell me the same news just moments apart.  
    Living in my car while getting my car fixed was expensive.  I was woken up by an old man who asked me to move from where I was parking and after explaining what I was going through he told me where I could park.  After several conversations he would then surprise me with a furnished apartment to which I cried.  It was a blessing. 
  Once again I would find myself doing for those who wouldn't do for me as I would take my brother into my new apartment.  With a car, apartment, and a good paying job I felt I was on top of the world. I was loving myself and I felt I was finally receiving the things I deserved in life.  I earned.
Well that would be until my landlord started to corner every friend I had over outside in an interrogation.  Once demanding to come inside and yelling at me "you was alone when I found you and I expected you to be alone in that apartment!!"
  Depression would come pouring in as I wasn't informed that I wasn't allowed to have friends over in an apartment I was paying for.  It was in this moment that I check my notifications on my phone to see: NATHAN EDLEMAN would like to send you a message.  CLICK. Accept. Regret.

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