Part 8:

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Lisa Lake was a place I called home for 4 years in Middletown, Pennsylvania. You can hear airplanes above as they land at the airport. The perfect location to enjoy nature. Unfortunately our time came to an end when we received an eviction notice. Unable to maintain the bills due to on going employment issues I had during the time. On the flip side Devin thinking his $12 hr job getting 24 hours a week was a miracle for paying bills although he hardly took his job seriously. Not to mention we had two other tenants that lived there for free and saw no effort in helping maintain the place. Happiness was deteriorating all around as once again I'm burdened with yet another loss. I'll accept responsibility for my lack of employment during the time but I give myself credit for when I did work my pay was no less than $16 hr and I made bank. I say that in no competitive or sarcastic way but really in direct response to Devin's actions then as I look back.
At this time I was able to regain my job back at turkey hill as assistant manager in E-town. Quickly gaining a position of importance and respect with in my location. This was something that I saw as a light at the end of a dark tunnel. I was establishing myself as a work horse again and I was in my element. Problems with Devin and I continued despite my efforts of communication. Any attempt to help him succeed was met with backlash. It was a hard situation because he wasn't happy and neither was I but only one of us was whiling to work on the issues while the other was trying to avoid them. Try to imagine crying next to someone trying to get them to understand and work things out with you and they lay there motionless. Heartless.
I made Devin look good within the company of turkey hill becoming close with my district manager who would send me to other locations for overtime. This allowed me to talk the DM into giving Devin an earned promotion to which I was very proud of him. Finally, a way to show him that we can help build each other. I would drop him off at other locations to pick up overtime and gain brownie points within the company for going above and beyond.
To our excitement Devin found us a place to live in Middletown. He held no punches back for accomplishing one simple task. It wasn't until we moved to 213 s union street in Middletown, Pennsylvania that Devin decided to take off his mask and show his horrific side of his personality. Like a flip of a switch his true colors came to the surface. Devin if you're reading this you are going to love the next part. "sarcasm" If Ryan W. Is reading this he will especially love the next part. For me it's a reminder of the emotional scars and a reminder that some people aren't who they claim to be and for me that meant holding onto who I thought he was and who he was to me was home. I never stood a chance.

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