Chapter 101

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As they ate, I made four more slices and told the two of them to take the plates to our siblings' rooms.

They complained, but left, taking the plates with them.

"You better not touch the alcohol cabinet," Lionel warned me before walking out the kitchen door.

Dang it, I was planning on doing just that. I thought to myself.

Now that my plans were foiled, I decided to just dig into my slice of pie and carried it back to my room to enjoy a book at the same time.

After being dropped off in this world, I think my attention span has healed. No more social media, texting, none of that. Although, I wish YouTube existed here...

The weekend approached, and Saturday morning, Sir Leonard waited for me at the front of the estate.

I rushed down the steps to meet him, apologizing for being slightly late.

"Sorry! I was trying to brush my hair!" I panted, bending over to properly tie my right shoelaces.

"It's alright, we're still on time," he replied, checking his watch. "Shall we walk or take a carriage?"

"I'm fine with walking, if it's okay with you," I replied, moving over to my left shoe to tie the laces.

"Then we'll walk," Sir Leonard decided. "It's a nice day today."

I pulled the strings tight and looked up at the blue sky, dotted with white fluffy clouds. Even though the sun was shining, it was getting quite cold as winter approached, so I brought a coat with me.

"Yeah, I can't wait for it to start snowing soon," I told Sir Leonard.

"You won't see snow at your home," he told me, as we started walking. "If you want to see it, you'd have to go past the boundaries of the protective spells of the property."

"Huh? Why!?" I asked.

"There's a magic barrier that blocks harsh weather," Sir Leonard explained. "It's also why the temperature in your home is almost always the same, year round."

"So this magic is just always going on, every day of the year?"

"Yes. I'm not exactly sure how your family has set it up, but the library has a similar system where pillars are placed around the house, each marked with their own spell that maintains the barrier."

I nodded along to his explanation, as we walked towards the cafe Sir Leonard's friend was supposed to be at. 

Let's Start A Bakery!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora