Chapter 13

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When I entered the dining room, the same knight who gave me directions to the kitchen also announced my entry.

Surprisingly, I still wasn't the first one here. The twins had arrived earlier than me and were already sitting next to each other.

Kai and Kira... They should be around six years old right now. I thought as I walked past Kai to sit next to him.

The two of them ended up dying very early on in the fight for the throne. This time, I would prevent their death to the best of my ability. However...

They definitely hate me! They're glaring at me so hard, I can feel it without even looking at them!

It's okay though. I thought to myself. The best way to any person's heart is through food! And luckily, I know a lot about food. I'll just start treating them nicer from now on.

I stole a glance at the two of them and found them staring at their plates, tensed up. Why are the meals so uncomfortable... Does no one ever talk?

Unfortunately, I already knew the answer to that question. From my memories, I could tell that none of the siblings ever really had conversations with one another. Even when they were all gathered together, formal greetings were the only things they said.

I should try to strike up a conversation. Talk about something you're familiar with!

"How do you two enjoy the meals?" I asked them without thinking.

Well, I screwed up already. How could I ask something as stupid as that!?

Kai and Kira both turned to look at me in surprise. On the outside, I looked calm, but on the inside, I was scolding myself for sounding so silly.

Kira replied, "Well they are alright I guess..." before turning away awkwardly. Kai didn't say a word and instead continued to look at his plate, although he looked a bit more upset than before.

It's okay, it's alright, I can hold a conversation with 2 six-year-olds.

"If you'd like, I could make you something to eat that might be more suited to your tastes," I told them.

They both looked at me in shock and suspicion.

That's to be expected. They probably think I'm going to poison them or something.

Corvalia didn't treat her younger siblings with a lot of respect, since she believed that she was better than them. As for her older brothers, Corvalia didn't talk to them out of fear.

"Well... if you want I guess you can," Kai said, while still staring at his plate. His ears were turning red as he spoke.

"What about you, Kira? Would you be okay with it as well?" I asked her.

She looked at her brother before looking at me, "I-I guess it's okay."

The two of them looked at each other, seemingly worried about what I was planning.

At that moment, the door opened, and the youngest child, Ryan, entered with a maid behind him.

"Lord Ryan has arrived!" the knight announced to those in the room.

Ryan sat in his seat at the bottom of the table, and the maid left the room quickly.

As the knight closed the door behind the maid, I stared at Ryan.

These kids are so tiny... Did I look like this when I was younger too?

"Ryan," I said out loud.

He looked up at me, startled, but didn't say anything.

"I promised Kai and Kira that I would make something for them to eat. Would you like to try as well?"

Ryan looked over at Kai and Kira, but they refused to look in his direction.

"I-I accept your offer...?" he said weakly, sounding unsure as to how he should respond.

"Alright then," I said. "All three of you, meet me in the kitchen tomorrow two hours after lunch."

As soon as I finished that sentence, the door opened again, and my three older brothers entered.

All four of us immediately looked down at our plates. My hands started sweating and I gripped my dress.

That was so awkward! But at least I have the chance to improve my relationship with them now. After I get the younger kids on my side, hopefully, it will be easier for me to talk with the older ones.

Once the three of them were seated, servants brought in the meal.

I'm so not excited about this...

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