Chapter 96

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At the request of Chef Cooke, I wrote down another detailed recipe paper so that he could make apple pies for us.

When he tried it himself, he even teared up.

"This is amazing!" he nearly sobbed. "The use of spices and sugar combined to create a nice, warm, sweet treat. You are a genius, Lady Corvalia!"

"Haha, thanks," I awkwardly accepted.

Isaac also pestered me throughout training to try and make a pecan pie, since he was curious how nuts would be combined with the dessert.

"I promise I'll make it at some point. I'm just not sure when," I told him. "Besides, I don't even know where to find pecan nuts."

"I'll get them for you. Don't worry," he told me seriously.

Lo and behold, that very same evening, he handed over a bag of shelled pecan nuts.

"Here you go! Now you can get started, right!?"

He excitedly followed me to the kitchen.

"Alright, alright! I'll make some right now, but only if you help me with one ingredient," I bargained.

"Just one ingredient? That's easy!" he boasted.

"Yeah, I need you to help me make butter."

Lionel, who had been following behind us, snorted, but then covered his mouth.

"What's wrong?" I asked Lionel innocently.

"Nothing, any other ingredients you need me to handle?"

"I think I can handle everything else by myself, I just need the butter made so that I can mix everything together," I replied.

"Alright, then Isaac's got that handled. I'll just stay and watch."

I poured cream into a jar and handed it to Isaac.

"Shake this until I tell you to stop," I told him.

He started shaking the jar, but questioned, "How is this going to make butter?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know how to explain how it works, but the fat and the liquid just get separated from each other. It's like a miniature butter churn."

"Why do you want me to make it if you can just use the machine?" he asked.

"Because we can't store the butter for too long, and I don't want to wash the entire machine just for a tiny bit of butter," I explained. "Anyways, it's going to take a while for the butter to form, so I'm going to grab a book."

I left Lionel and Isaac in the kitchen, where Lionel was watching Isaac with a knowing smirk, probably thinking about the muscle pain Isaac would be having in a minute. 

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