Chapter 59

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I skipped towards the entrance of the jewelry store, still holding onto Lionel's arm. Commander Landon followed us from behind.

I looked at the window of the store. A sign said:

"We buy and sell jewelry.

Ask for prices inside"

Perfect. Hopefully this jewelry can sell for a lot. 

When I opened the door to a store that looked pretty messed up. Like someone had ransacked the place. The display case on the counter was smashed in, and it appeared that lots of jewelry had been stolen, as there wasn't a single gem in sight.

"Is anyone here?" I called towards the back, since no one had shown up.

Lionel and I flinched when something crashed and shattered in the store, but no one appeared.

We looked at each other, then we ducked under the rope that was meant to separate the front of the store with the back of the counter.

As I stepped behind the counter, I nearly tripped on a piece of glass on the floor.

Commander Landon moved me to the side, saying, "I'll go first. Lionel, watch your sister."

He walked into the back of the shop, and Lionel grabbed my arm, forcing me to stay put.

"What happens if you can't get your money? You'll have to pay the workers somehow," Lionel whispered.

"I guess I'll have to go to another jewelry store." I shrugged. "Not that big of a deal."

"Let me see which ones you want to get rid of."

I unclasped my bag, setting the three pieces I brought with me onto the table.

Lionel took one look at the pieces and frowned.

"I don't understand why these are considered ugly."

Commander Landon could be heard in the room behind us, his boots clomping up the stairs into a second floor.

"It's not that they are ugly," I began to explain. "Wearing such gaudy and tacky jewelry will make others think less of you."

"But why? The larger the jewelry, the more it costs. Shouldn't they respect you more for being the richest?"

"It's kind of complicated to explain," I sighed. "You don't always want the most expensive and colorful clothes and jewelry because if other people think you are purposefully trying to show off, they will be jealous and begin to resent you."

"Where did you learn about that?" Lionel asked. "It has to be recent, because in the past you did the exact opposite of what you are saying now."

"Uh... Well..."

I learned through experience, of course. And life.

But instead I said, "Sir Leonard is the one that taught me!"

At that exact moment, Commander Landon came back, carrying an unconscious body over his shoulder. A nervous looking man was walking behind him and rambling.

"Thank you, Sir! Thank you so much, thank-"

Commander Landon looked incredibly annoyed, interrupting the man to speak to me and Lionel.

"I'll take this person to jail. In the meantime, stay in this store and finish what you need to do."

Then he immediately left, still carrying the unconscious man over his shoulders. 

A/N: Just curious, but what animes/cartoons do you all watch, if any? 

My favorites are Saiki K and One Punch Man. 

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