Chapter 7

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"That book is usually read by scholars that have spent years studying in academies," Sir Leonard told me. "Perhaps you got these books from the more advanced section of the library."

He placed his hands on top of the book that I selected. "If you'd like, I could find some easier books on the history of Audora."

That's right, this place is called Audora. I mentally smacked myself in the head for not remembering.

"Alright, I would appreciate that," I replied, "but I also want to find books on botany, alchemy, animals, and the history of cooking, if possible. Could you help me find some of these as well?"

Sir Leonard looked at me in surprise as I rattled off my list, and he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as I finished speaking. "I can certainly recommend a few books on these topics to you, but, may I ask why you would need information about the history of food?"

"Well the truth is..." I paused for dramatic effect. "I really hate the food they serve here! So I plan on learning more about food so that I can make sure what I eat is to my taste."

"I see," Sir Leonard said, his face stoic again. "But first let's look over your exam results."

He spread my papers out on the desk and gestured towards the math and language sections.

"You passed the mathematics and language portions perfectly," he said. "You also did pass the history section, but it could definitely use some improvement."

"With how well you did on the math and language section, I would actually like to give you another higher level exam, taken by older students, just to see how much more you know." Sir Leonard told me. "Is that alright with you?"

"Certainly," I replied. "Can I take it right now?"

"Unfortunately I don't have the right materials with me right now, but I will be sure to bring them tomorrow," he replied.

"Okay then, should we go find the books now?" I said while standing up and pushing my chair into the table.

"Of course," he replied. 

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