Chapter 100

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While Isaac continued reading, I sat down on the ground next to the oven with the oven mitts out and periodically checked on my pocketwatch to keep the time.

"Hmmm... Looks like it's about finished!" I exclaimed, slightly cracking open the oven door to check on the color of the pie.

"Is it finally!?" Lionel exclaimed, looking over my shoulder. "I've been waiting for too long! It smells so good..."

"Yeah, well I'm even more excited than you, so I get the first slice, right?" Isaac replied to Lionel, while looking at me. "Please let me have the first slice!"

"Nuh uh, we should go in order of who's the oldest," Lionel argued with Isaac as I put on the oven mitts.

"Both of you be quiet, you'll get your slices at the exact same time," I said, lifting the pan onto a cloth on the counter, and bringing out 3 ceramic plates.

I cut 3 slices out of the pie and set them on the plates, then placed a fork on each plate.

Before Isaac could grab one, I stopped him, saying, "Wait a few minutes for it to cool, you'll burn yourself if you eat it now."

"Oh come on, why does it take so long!?" he huffed. "This is worse than torture!"

Lionel still grabbed his, smirking before replying, "Good thing I'm immune to flames!" before chomping down on a forkful of his pie.

I watched in horror as he showed no reaction to the heat of a pie that was barely out of the oven, and instead nodded in satisfaction at the taste.

"It tastes amazing! I think it's even better than the apple one!"

"Unfair..." Isaac grumbled, staring at his own plate.

"It'll cool down quickly," I promised. "But maybe we can try to speed it up a bit with the mana crystals."

I quickly brought out the blue rocks I used to freeze popsicles and placed them near the plates, hoping that would bring the temperature down slightly.

I watched Lionel taunt Isaac at not being able to eat.

A giant, fresh, scoop of vanilla ice cream would make this slice of pie even better. I need to make some kind of ice cream churner for the future.

I looked at the pie and told Isaac, "You can eat it now."

He immediately snatched up his plate and took a bite, savoring the sweet treat.

I've never seen anyone this excited for pecan pie before.

"Was it worth the wait?" I asked him.

"Yeah, definitely!" Isaac replied, his mouth still full of pecans. 

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