Chapter 90

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Before our lesson ended for the day, Sir Leonard gave me a book about the history of Levia, since I had only really been studying about Audora for the most part.

"You don't have to memorize all of it," he explained to me. "Just use the book to get a basic understanding."

I thanked him for all the help, and our class ended for the day.

Instead of heading straight to lunch and waiting for it to start, I instead walked to my room to crack open the new book.

Like any textbook, it was a bit dry, so I mostly skimmed over all of the history. At the end of every chapter, however, was a mini introduction to Levian culture.

Lucky color red... Well doesn't that sound familiar. I mused to myself, until I turned the page and saw drawings of traditional clothing from Levia.

What the heck... This is literally East Asian clothing!

It wasn't quite specifically Chinese, Korean, or Japanese, but was some amalgamation of the three, mixed together into one ultimate East Asian country.

I skipped the next chapter, heading straight to the page of cultural information, and there they showed the invention of fireworks and paper.

I immediately shot up from my bed in excitement, but I remembered the time and hurried to lunch.

During lunch, I could barely sit still, wanting to speed-eat and check out the rest of the book to see what other similarities I could find between Levia and the East Asian countries of my world.

I might not have been extremely familiar with East Asian culture, but I definitely enjoyed the food, and if I could get some recipes from Sir Leonard's friend, I could expand my cooking skills.

I need to build my spice tolerance from a young age, so that when I'm older I'll be able to handle any flavors.

As I ate, I dreamed of kimchi, sushi, and my favorite comfort food, tomato fried eggs. I could make tomato fried eggs right now, but I wasn't going to risk accidentally dropping a burning hot pan on myself because I was too short or too weak. Best to wait until I was older.

In record time, I stuffed everything on my plate into my mouth, and excused myself from the dinner table while still chewing on lettuce.

I rushed out to head back to my bedroom, preparing as many questions about food and Levia as I could think of, writing them down in my notebook.

What kind of ingredients are hard to find in Audora? What is your favorite dish? Any deserts you like to eat? Can you show me where to find Levian outfits?

A/N: Later chapter, because I spent all of yesterday prepping for a competition. Thanks for understanding and all the support! 

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