Chapter 6

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Sir Leonard came up behind me and looked at the papers.

"Finished already?" he asked. He didn't even try to hide the shocked look on his face.

"Yes, most of the test was pretty easy," I replied.

I got out of my seat, faced him, and said, "I'll take a look around the library while you grade the papers."

I gave a short bow and left to go search for some books.

As soon as I turned around the bookshelf, I turned back to watch Sir Leonard grade my test. He seemed to have a stunned expression on his face as he looked at the first sheet of paper.

He must be surprised because I'm such a genius, I thought to myself smugly.

If I already know most of this world's material, maybe I'll be able to get him to teach me other things instead, I thought to myself as I turned and started looking at titles on the bookshelves.

None of these are useful, just fiction novels. I needed books on food, but there might not be that many in this library.

I could just ask Sir Leonard later, I thought. He probably knows where things in this library are.

I started looking for books on the history of the kingdom instead. If I wanted to survive in this world, I needed to know at least the background of this place.

I started pulling books off the shelves that had the word history in them. As I stacked them in my arms, I realized that they were getting sore after carrying just a few.

I never had this problem before, I thought. I must have gotten jacked from kneading bread for so long.

I carried the few books I had found back with me to the table. Sir Leonard noticed me walking back and stood up.

"My Lady! Would you like some help with those?" He stood up and helped lift the books out of my hands before placing them on the table.

"Ah.. These books..." He looked at me. "Were you planning to read these?"

"Yes, I wanted to study a bit more about history since I felt like I didn't do well on that part of the test," I replied.

I sat back down at the table and flipped through the first few pages of the book before realizing...

Wow, I don't understand a single word of this nonsense.

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