Chapter 51

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I ran down the hall, immediately regretting that decision because my legs were not exactly feeling their best at the moment.

When I got to the hall with the rooms, I slowed down and walked towards the farthest room, which was Rex's.

It's weird how none of us siblings ever see each other in the mornings or at night. We all live in the same area.

I knocked on the door of Rex's room, and waited a few seconds. He opened the door, looking confused, then surprised when seeing me.

"...Did you need something, Corvalia?" He asked, after staring in silence for a few seconds.

"I need your help in the kitchen. Can you come with me?"

"Why do you need my help?" He sounded suspicious of me.

"Lionel broke a glass. He said that only you could use magic to fix it, since he hasn't learned it yet."

"How did he break it?"

Please stop asking so many questions!

"I was trying to make popsicles, and he froze the glass. When he tried to melt it, it shattered," I explained.

"Alright, I'll come," he sighed, stepping into the hallway and closing the door behind him.

"Should we invite the others too?" I asked, mostly wondering to myself.

"Like who?"

"Isaac, the twins, and Ryan. All seven of us can make them together," I explained.

"What can they even do to help? They can't use magic to help you,"

"But it's a good bonding experience," I insisted. "You invite the twins, I'll talk to Isaac and Ryan."

Before he could answer, I turned and walked down the hall to Isaac's room. Rex sighed, before passing me on his way to the twin's bedroom.

The second I knocked on the door, Isaac opened it up and said, "I'm not joining."

I was surprised at his speedy answer but recovered quickly and replied, "That's too bad, if everyone else is coming, so are you."

Then I grabbed his collar and dragged him out of his room before he could escape back inside.


He landed directly on me, and I got elbowed right in my stomach.


Rex turned around at my outburst, and I saw Kai and Kira peeking their heads out of the door.

"What happened!?" Rex yelled.

"Nothing!" I yelled back as I stood up, dusting myself off.

Isaac stood up as well, whispering, "What did you do that for!?"

"We're going to have fun, and you are going to be there to enjoy it with everyone, together."

Rex had convinced the twins and Ryan already, so I just told them to follow me, and we continued to the kitchen. When I opened the door, Lionel was tapping his foot impatiently, but immediately stopped when he saw everyone that I brought.

"Why did you bring so many people!?"

"Why not?" I shrugged. "I need all the help I can get. It just makes my job easier."

"What are you making?" Kira asked, leaning to the side to see what I put on the counter.

"Popsicles," I said. "I'll explain what they are after Rex fixes the shattered glass."

As Rex stepped around and started doing his magic (literally), I faced the others to start delegating some tasks.

"Kai, Kira, and Ryan, I need you three to wash your hands, get a basket, and go outside to pick some berries. The softer and juicier, the better."

The three nodded in unison and marched off to do what I said.

"Isaac, I don't have anything for you right now, but when they come back, I'll have you cut up the fruits into smaller chunks."

He nodded and leaned against the counter to wait.

I turned back around to Rex holding the repaired champagne glass.

"Perfect!" I clapped my hands together. "Now we can get started again." 

A/N: TBH, I'm pretty excited about popsicles. Even though I prefer ice-cream, I'll eat pretty much anything that is sweet and cold, lol. 

As always, thanks for reading and voting!

Let's Start A Bakery!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें