Chapter 30

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After watching the bread bake for around twenty minutes, Alina took out a pair of red oven mitts and removed the lid of the Dutch oven. Then, she placed the bread back into the oven for it to bake for another forty minutes.

Alina had brought back a few colored threads, an embroidery needle, and some kind of embroidery project she was working on when she had left earlier. I watched as she skillfully poked the needle through the white cloth over and over, pulling the threads through until something resembling a small leaf appeared.

I probably would have poked myself a million times if I were the one doing that. She must have practiced a long time to get this skill.

I fretted around the kitchen, nervous at the thought of eating later.

"I'm going to take a look at the table again," I announced to Alina.

"I'll go with you then!" Alina hurriedly put down the project she was working on.

"No! It's alright," I said, waving my hands in front of me. "You should stay here. I won't be gone for long. Besides, someone should stay here to keep an eye on the bread in case something goes wrong."

Alina hesitated, looking at the oven and then back at me multiple times. Finally, she sighed and slumped her shoulders.

"Alright, Lady Corvalia, I'll watch the bread. But please, be careful! If there is any danger, yell for help and someone will attend to you!" she desperately said.

"I will!"

I quickly walked out of the kitchen door and towards the knight's training area.

I looked at the table again, noticing that the jars of jam I prepared were also all set up in the center of the table, arranged in a circular fashion. Each jar had a spoon placed next to it. There was also a large bread knife, meant to slice the bread.

They set this up really nicely. It looks pretty amazing. I guess there isn't anything else I have to do besides bringing the drinks and the bread.

As I walked back towards the kitchen, I saw Kai and Kira.

"You two are early," I said.

"W-we didn't want to accidentally be late..." Kai responded.

"That's okay. I'm just worried you'll be bored waiting around. By the way," I said, "I invited two more guests. My teacher, Sir Leonard, and a maid who helped me in the kitchen, Alina. Is that alright with you?"

"That's alright," the two of them said at the same time.

"Alright," I gave them a bright smile. "See you soon!" 

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