Chapter 58

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Amanda finished her measurements, writing them down on a small slip of paper.

"All done, Lady Corvalia!"

"Thank you!" I replied, stepping down from the stool.

As Amanda led me back to the waiting room, I couldn't hold in my curiosity.

"Are you married to Mr. Alexander? I noticed your ring."

"Huh?" she seemed a little surprised, and looked down at her hand. "Oh... not yet! Our wedding is occurring in a few weeks."

"Congratulations! Is he making your outfits?" I asked. "Sorry if I'm being too nosy, I'm just curious..."

"Oh no! It's alright, I don't mind answering. And yes, he is. Alex is a fantastic designer, and I'm also helping with the embroidery." She paused for a moment, then asked, "Would you like to see the progress we've made?"

"Can I really!? I'd love to!"

Instead of taking me right back to the waiting room, she turned me into another room where I assumed was where the clothes were made, as there were tons of different fabrics, laces, ribbons, and other sorts of sewing tools.

Amanda led me over to one of the mannequins, where a white dress was sitting.

"It's not quite complete yet as we're still working on it," she giggled, clearly excited at being able to share.

She also pulled out another piece of fabric from one of the drawers.

"This is the veil I'm working on embroidering. It's nearly finished."

"You made that!?" I was shocked. Handmade fabrics and embroidery always fascinated me, since I was never particularly good at those kinds of skills. "It looks so detailed! How long did it take you?"

Her face flushed in embarrassment. "It took me a little over a week. I spent quite a while on it."

"Well, it looks super pretty. You're so talented at embroidery!"

"Thank you, Lady Corvalia! My mother taught me when I was younger." She carefully returned the veil back to the drawer, and we returned back to the sitting room.

Commander Landon was now sitting on the couch, Lionel right next to him. Alexander stood to the side. The entire room was filled with an awkward silence as I returned.

Alexander perked up as soon as he saw Amanda and I appear in the doorway.

"Since we have your measurements, I'll begin working on your outfits right away."

"Sounds good! Thanks for your service!"

Commander Landon stood up, and Lionel and I followed behind him to the door.

"Then I'll see you in a week," I turned towards Alexander.

"Of course, I will see you then."

Alexander and Amanda both bowed as I walked out of the store.

"Do you need to go to a jewelry store now?" Lionel asked, motioning towards my handbag.

"Hm?" I was distracted at the thought of Amanda's wedding dress. "Oh, yeah. I saw one as we were walking to the blacksmith. Maybe we can go there?"

I looked to Commander Landon, silently asking permission.

"Lead the way, Lady Corvalia."

"Great!" I grabbed Lionel's arm and started speed walking down the road.

"Hey! Slow down!" He didn't make much of an effort to yank his arm away, and instead sped up his pace to match mine.

"Don't you agree this is kind of exciting? I feel like an adult!"

"You're seven years old. And what part of walking around town makes you feel like an adult?"

"No, not the 'walking around town' part. I'm talking about the spending money part. Nothing feels more adult than spending money."

Believe me, I'd know. The expenses just never stop sometimes...

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