Chapter 44

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I was the first person to make it to the dining room, which made sense since I had gotten here quite a bit earlier than usual.

Wait, what's this?

Displayed on the table were my jars of jam that I had made, each one open with a spreading knife stuck in them.

Did Chef Cooke organize this? Their bread is pretty good... Far better than the other food they make, that's for sure.

When I sat down in my seat, a door that connected directly to the kitchen opened up, and Chef Cooke walked out.

He saw me sitting down, and his face lit up as he approached me.

"Lady Corvalia! I hope you don't mind us serving you the spreads you created. We don't want to keep them for too long, or they will spoil."

That's right! I forgot refrigerators don't really exist here...

"Thanks for considering that, Chef Cooke. I forgot that that might happen," I replied, standing up from my chair.

"It's no problem Lady Corvalia. I'm happy to help!" Chef Cooke bowed and turned around to go back to the kitchen, but I stopped him.

"Hold on a second," I said, "After tonight, the kitchen staff can take whichever jars of jam they like. I don't want them to spoil, and I doubt me and my siblings will be able to finish everything anytime soon."

Chef Cooke stared at me in surprise while replying, "Are you sure you will let us have them?"

"Of course!" I cheerfully replied. "Think of it as a thank you for allowing me to use your kitchen,"

As I sat back down in my seat, I could have sworn Chef Cooke got a little misty-eyed at my statement, and I started to panic a little.

Surely this isn't that big of a deal, is it?

He bowed one last time and returned to the kitchen.

No sooner had he closed the door, the entrance to the dining room opened, and the twins appeared.

When Kira saw the jars of jam on the table, her eyes lit up and she asked, "Corvalia, did you make more bread this time?"

Both of the twins stared at me with hope in their big eyes.

"I didn't make any bread," I said, and saw them deflate a little. "But the kitchen is making some. They will serve it alongside our lunch."

The twins looked at each other and gave wide grins.

At the same time, Ryan arrived, noticing the jams as well, but he didn't comment on them.

After a few more minutes of sitting in silence, the rest of the brothers arrived and lunch was brought out by the wait staff.

How do they even know we are all here? They must have x-ray vision or something.

Besides our individual meals, they also brought out two large plates, both containing multiple pieces of pre-sliced bread.

Finally, some good food. I thought to myself. Even if I technically made half of it myself. Surely eating only sliced bread and jam is considered a healthy diet, right?

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