Chapter 70

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"I'm back!" I announced, opening the kitchen door.

"Which books did you choose?" Lionel asked.

I blinked, and realized that I forgot to check the titles when I chose the books. I lifted the first one and did a double take at the title.

What in the world... This sounds like the title to some random light novel!

"Uhh... it's called I Married the Dark Duke of the North and Tried to Run but it Turns out He's not Evil!?"

I immediately grimaced after spitting out that ridiculously long and cringe title.

Lionel looked at me, horrified. "Please tell me the other book you chose is a better option."

I took a look at the other book.

"This one might be even worse actually... It's called The Fearsome Magician of the Tower turns out to be my Long Lost Brother and I'm Secretly Heir to the Throne!?"

"That title doesn't even make sense!" Lionel complained. "How does your brother being a magician have anything to do with being an heir to the throne?"

"Don't ask me, I didn't write these books." I shrugged. "We may as well give them a chance. I think the first one might be a little interesting."

"But I don't like romance novels!"

"I'll read the first chapter. If it's bad, I'll get a different book from the library. From the action/adventure section, next time."

"Fine," Lionel conceded.

"Alright," I sighed, sitting next to the stove across from Lionel, and began the story.

"Chapter One. I shivered in fear in my wedding gown. This was not going to be the marriage of my dreams..."


"What!? How could the mother do that to her own son!" Lionel yelled, completely entranced in the storyline.

"I know right!" I complained. "What kind of soulless woman is she!? This is ridiculous! Why didn't anybody care about how the boy was being treated!?"

We were now multiple chapters into the story, and clearly very into it.

"At least the duke is happier now, I suppose." Lionel reasoned. "But why can't he just talk with his wife!? All of their current issues could be solved if they just sat down for two seconds and told each other about their lives! I mean, they are husband and wife, so there should be no secrets between them."

"This stupid misunderstanding has been going on for like, a million chapters already!" I nodded in agreement with Lionel.

It was impossible for us to read the story without interjecting with comments in between. It certainly felt good to have someone right next to me, so that I could comment on the story with them by my side.

The sound of boiling water brought me to my sense a little bit. I checked my pocket watch, saying, "The beans should be ready in a few more chapters of reading."

"Good, because I'm already feeling a bit hungry..." Lionel admitted.

A/N: I read so many manhwas and sometimes I have to take a step back and realize how silly some of the titles sound. I don't know if anyone else has had this experience.

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