Chapter 18: The Foosa Attack!

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The Foosa keeps on chasing Mariah and Marty as the runs for their lives away from them.

"Guys, where are you?!" Mariah shouted.

"Help us! Anybody, help us! Somebody!!" Marty shouted in fear.

The Foosas are using salt on Marty's butt, Mariah was able to push them off of Marty.

"Ah! Help!" Marty shouted.

"Marty, get behind me!" Mariah shouted.

As the Fossa made a dog pile to eat Marty and Mariah fights back, Melman is swinging on a vine while doing a Tarzan Yell to save Marty and Mariah.

"Melman?" Marty asked.

"That's right, baby." Melman said.

Suddenly, Melman hits a rock, and the rest of the gang gets up and runs.

"Come on. Hurry!" Marty shouted.

"Run!" Gloria shouted.

"What's the plan?" Mariah asked.

"This is the plan!" Katie said.

"Foosa hungry. Foosa eat." The Foosa said.

"This is the plan?" Marty asked.

Skipper slides out of the bushes and holds out a flare gun.

"Foosa hold!" Skipper said, and the Foosa stopped.

Skipper shoots the gun up in the sky by a burning rock.

"Foosa ha! Foosa ooh! Foosa ha!" The group of Fossa said all together.

While the Foosa were distracted, the penguins ran with a steering wheel of the ship, a pole, and a plate. Private was covered in whip cream and a cherry on top of his head. He whistled for attention.

"Come and get it!" Private shouted.

At the Foosa comes after Private, they tuned the steering wheel. The grabbing pole hits them in the face as they try to jump and eat private, but some of them are not distracted. Some when behind and in front of the gang, they tried to make a run, but they were blocked like they were all surrounded by the Foosa.

"There's too many of them, Skipper!" Private said.

"It's been a real pleasure serving with you, boys." Skipper said.

Suddenly, they all hear a loud roar. They looked up and saw Alex.

"Alex?" Marty asked as he punched a Foosa.

"That's my kill! Mine." Alex said in angry.

He growls again, and Mariah gets scared again, same to the others. Alex comes down and crawls slowly to Mariah.

"Alex hungry." Alex said.

He growls again.

"Alex, eat." Alex said.

As he was crawling, his claws came out while he kept on growling. He is now face to face with Marty and Mariah. He comes right at them, and Marty closes his eyes, and Mariah shields her head.

"Pss!" Alex whispered.

Both Mariah Mariah takes a peek to look.

"It's showtime." Alex whispered as he was happy.

Mariah removes her hands away from her face and Marty opens his eyes in relief.

"Thanks for not giving up on me, Mariah." Alex said.

They both looked into each other's eyes, and their faces got closer slowly until they were interrupted by Marty.

"Man, you almost gave me a heart attack. You can't just come up here and sneak upon me. Just because you're a lion..." Marty said until Mariah covered his mouth.

"Let go of me." Marty mumbled as his mouth was closed.

"Shh! We're getting out of here. Guys, just go with me on this. Like I said... It's showtime." Alex said.

Alex carries the gang, one by one.

"Rrr! Mine! My kill! Rrahh! They're all mine!" Alex shouted.

Alex roars as the gang started to scream.

"It's the king of the beasts! Oh no!" Brandon shouted

"Please don't eat me, Mr. Lion." Katie shouted.

"Fear me! Savagery beyond comprehension!" Alex shouted.

"I'm far too young to die!" Marty shouted.

Alex puts the gang down

"And you!" Alex shouted as he pointed to a Foosa.

The Foosa got scared, and Alex punched them, and they all started to run away. The others helped Alex by fighting the Foosa, too.

"Ooh, you want some of this? You better run for your lives!" Gloria shouted as she sits a few of them.

Mariah does karate fighting to some of the Foosa as Katie takes a long stick to hit them, and Brandon uses his spikes to attack. Alex grabs a Foosa and throws him to Marty and Melman.

"Somebody call a cop!" Marty said.

Melman uses his head as a golf stick and hits the Foosa away at the sky.

"He's psychotic!" Melman said.

"This is my territory! Understand? I never ever wanna see you on my turf again!" Alex said as he warned to the Foosa

Alex roars again, and the Foosa ran away in fear, except one.

"Boo." Alex said, and the Foosa runs.

"Yeah! You're the cat!" Marty said.

The others cheered and ran to Alex. Mariah hugs him, and then the others do so for a group hug.

"I did it! Give me some love! The plan worked! The plan worked! I'm very clever! I'm the one, baby! Come on, time to robot! I am a very clever king. I am supergenious. I am robot king of the monkey thing." King Julian said, and he did some dancing with Maurice as the gang rolled their eyes.

"So, what's for lunch?" Alex asked.

The others open their eyes wide in shock, except Mariah.

"I think I have an idea." Mariah said as she thought.

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