Chapter 15: Alex Goes Crazy

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Everybody was ready to see Alex's performance from the zoo, including Marty, Mariah, Katie, Brandon, Gloria, Melman, King Julian, Maurice, and Mort.

"Ladies and gentlemen, primates of all ages, the wild proudly presents the King! Alex the Lion! E flat, fellows!" Marty shouted.

The lemurs started to play a beat, and Alex came out to perform. Everybody was cheering except King Julian and Maurice.

"Yeah! The King is in the house!" Marty said happily.

"If he's a King, then where's his crown? I've got the crown. Got the very nice one! And it's still on my head! Look at it. Have I got it on?" King Julian asked Maurice.

The Foosa looked down at everybody, confused while Alex still kept on dancing.

"Do the roar man, the roar!" Marty shouted.

Alex roars, as in real lion roar. It echoes around the jungle, which it makes everybody stop and gasps. The Foosa got scared and ran away. Everyone cheered. Mariah fan her face with her hand and blushed more as she was getting turned on while Katie smiled too.

"Ooh, la, la. He is so cute. I like it how he roars really loud." Mariah whispered.

"I know, right?" Katie asked, and they both giggled together.

"That was awesome!" Brandon shouted happily.

"Wow! I've never heard that one before! Yeah, go wild man, come on! Break out the wave!" Marty shouted.

Alex does the wave, and the crowd did from right to left as he takes one look at them in one last time. Not just one, but all lemurs turned into steaks as they cheered for him. He attracts his claws how of his paws while no one noticed about it.

Marty turns around to the lemurs as they all did the wave one last time. Suddenly, Marty screams in pan. Everyone in the crowd stops and got shocked at Alex's attack on Marty, including Mariah and Katie, once they both gasps in fear.

On the other hand, Mort keeps on clapping until he slowly stops and realizes what just happened already.

"Excuse me! You're biting my butt!" Marty said.

Alex's eyes went back to normal.

"No, I'm not." Alex mumbles while biting.

"Yes, you are." Marty said.

Alex realizes and spits out the fur from his mouth.

"Alex, what did you do?" Gloria asked.

"What happened?" Brandon asked.

"He bit me on the butt!" Marty said.

"Are you okay, Marty?" Katie asked.

"No. I didn't. Did I?" Alex asked

"You kind of did." Melman replied.

"He just bit me on the butt! What the heck is wrong with you?" Marty said angrily.

"What was that for?" Mariah asked.

Alex looked at Mariah and the others as he continued, without explaining why he did it.

"Why'd you bite me?" Marty asked.

"Man, is because you are his dinner." Maurice replied.

"What?" Brandon asked.

"What do you mean?" Mariah asked.

"Excuse me?" Gloria asked.

"That's dumb." Melman said.

"Dumb, dumb, Maurice. What is the simple bite on the buttocks among friends? Here..give me a nibble.." King Julian said.

"The party is over, Julian. Your brilliant plan has failed." Maurice said.

"What are you talking about?" Marty asked.

"Your friend here is what we call a deluxe model hunting and eating machine. And he eats steak. Which is you." Maurice explained.

"Get out of here." Gloria said.

"That's not true, is it?" Katie asked.

"What about me? Am I steak, too?" Mariah asked Maurice.

"No, he senses something in you." Maurice said.

"Like what?" Mariah asked.

"You're a lioness, right?" Maurice asked.

"Yes. Why?" Mariah asked.

"I think that he senses you to be his mate." Maurice whispered to Mariah.

"Okey dokey, Maurice. I admit it, the plan failed. All is lost! We're all doomed. The Foosas will come back and gobble us with their mouths! Because we are all steak." King Julian explained.

"I'm steak! Me, me, me, me!" Mort shouted happily.

Suddenly, Alex's eyes became big again and saw King Julian and Maurice as steaks.

"Mr. Alex can not stay here. He belongs with his own kind. On the Foosa side of the island." Maurice said.

"By the power invested in me, by the law of the jungle, blah, blah, blah, blah. Be gone!" King Julian shouted as he got on top of Maurice.

Everyone turns into steaks, too. All except Mariah, she was next to Katie and Brandon.

"What? Come on. Do I look like a steak to you?" Marty asked.

"Yeah." Alex said happily.

"See, I told you I don't look like...wait, wait, what did you say?" Marty asked.

"Oh, yeah!" Alex said.

Alex gets down on his feet and growls as he has his claws out of his paws. The lemurs were now scared of him, including the gang.

"He's going savage." Mort said.

"Run for your lives!" King Julian shouted.

All of the lemurs run faster, and Alex comes near Mariah.

"Mariah, run!" Brandon shouted.

Mariah runs fast as she possibly can. Alex ran after her as they ran through the jungle. Alex was almost to catch Mariah when all of a sudden, a melon was thrown at his head. He stumbled a few times and fell down to the ground. The animal who throws the melon was actually Maurice. He and King Julian were up at the top of a tree.

"A bull's eye. Excellent shot, Maurice." King Julian said as he patted Maurice in the head.

"Thank you." Maurice said happily.

Alex wakes up, and his vision turns back into normal and sees Mariah runs. She looked at Alex as she started to cry as tears slowly ran down to her cheeks.

"Mariah? I'm so sorry, Mariah." Alex said, and he got up.

"What is wrong with me?" Alex asked himself and felt his claws and gazed them in fear.

"Oh, no. What have I done? It's true. I'm a monster. I gotta get out of here." Alex said to himself and runs to the other direction.

Mariah stops running and looks to see if Alex is still there, but he disappears. Her tears are still in fear that she sees her crush as a monster. She cries even more in worried too, while walking slowly away.

"Alex, please be okay. Even for your friends... including.. me." Mariah said quietly.

Mariah begins to run again with the others, too. Later, Mariah and Katie changed back to their original clothes.

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