Chapter 4: Marty Is Gone

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Alex and Marty keep on talking to each other for the night.

"See? Mr. Grumpy Stripes. We make a great team. Two of us." Alex said.

"We sure do. There is no doubt about it." Marty said.

"What are you gonna do? Just go running off to the wild by yourself?" Alex asked.

"No." Marty replied.

"Good." Alex said.

"You and me! Let's go." Marty said.

"What?" Alex asked.

"The wild! Come on, you and me together! It's a straight shot down Fifth Avenue to Grand Central. We'll grab a train, we'll head north! We'll be back by morning. No one will ever know!" Marty explained.

"You're joking, right?" Alex asked.

"Yeah! I'm joking, of course I'm joking! Give me a break! Like we're gonna get a train?" Marty asked.

"Don't do that. You really had me worried there." Alex said.

"Well, I guess I'll hit the sack." Marty said as he yawned.

"Yeah, me too. I'll need the rest of my voice for tomorrow. It's seniors day, you know. I have to roar extra loud. Give them a little jolt! You know what I'm talking about?" Alex asked. And went off to bed.

"Good night, alley Al." Marty said as he lays down to his haystack bed.

Alex goes under his bed and claps his hands to turn on the heater. A few seconds later, Alex hears the sound.

"Arghhh.. They forgot to turn off the ambiance again!" Alex yelled.

"Don't worry, that's cool. You know, I got it." Marty said.

Marty goes to the megaphone and kicks it. The sound stops.

"Much better." Alex said quietly and drifted off to sleep.

Marty slowly goes to the gates, close to the wall of where the painting was made. It was his dream. His dream is to go to the wild. He stays silent and stays while thinking.

The time on the clock of the zoo was 9:20pm, it changed to 11:20pm. 2 hours later, while everybody was still asleep...

"Come on now, baby. I would love to be your boyfriend, Mariah." Alex whispered, and he sucks his thumb.

"Alex? Alex. Alex!" Melman calls Alex, which it wakes him up.

"What?" Alex asked.

"Huh? You suck your thumb?" Melman asked.

Alex sighed and didn't answer the question.

"What is it, Melman?" Alex asked.

"Okay, okay. You know about the blood infection, and I have to get up every two hours. Well, I got up to pee, and I looked over in Marty's pen, which I usually don't do, I don't know why, but I did, and this time, I looked over..." Melman explained.

"What, Melman, what's going on?" Alex asked while interrupting Melman.

"It's Marty. He's gone." Melman replied.

"Gone?" Alex asked, and he gets up but hits his head.

"What do you mean, gone?" Alex asked.

"How long has he been working on this? Marty? Marty?" Melman asked as he put his head into the hole.

"That doesn't make sense. How would Marty ever fit in a hole that small?" Katie asked.

"He wouldn't fit down there." Brandon said.

"Marty? Marty? Marty?" Alex asked as he checked in the hay sacks.

"This doesn't make any sense. Where would he go?" Gloria asked..

"Wait, guys. You don't think..." Mariah tries to speak.

Alex finally realized.

"Connecticut!" Alex shouted, interrupted.

"That means he's on his way to Grand Central Station to take the train about now." Mariah explained.

"He wouldn't." Gloria said.

"This is bad." Katie said.

"Oh no! What are we gonna do? We gotta, we gotta call somebody!" Melman shouted.

Alex gasps and runs to the phone to dial 911.

"Hello? Get the Missing Animals and hurry! We've got a lost Zebra, probably on the way to Connecticut by now, and we're gonna need..." Alex shouted.

But on the other line to the police station, the police officer looked confused as he only heard the roaring sounds on the headphones.

"Hello? Hello?" The police officer asked.

"Wait a second. We can't call the people." Alex said.

"What the...?" The police officer asked, but Alex hung up the phone.

Alex pulls out the phone and throws it.

"They'll be really mad! They'll get Marty transferred for good! You don't bite the hand that feeds you." Alex explained.

"Mhm, I know that's right." Gloria said.

"We gotta go after him." Alex said.

"Go after him?" Brandon asked.

What do you mean 'go after him'?" Katie asked.

"He's not thinking straight. We gotta stop him from making the biggest mistake of his life! He's probably out there lost and cold. Confused. Poor little guy." Alex said, and he gets worried.

Mariah walks up to Alex.

"But wherever Marty is at, I'm sure that he's fine." Mariah said as she patted his shoulder.

Later, Marty was walking throughout the city, having the time for his life like he was chilled. Back at the zoo, Alex climbs over the wall but falls to the other side as Mariah is looking at Alex to check on him.

"Are you okay?" Mariah asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Come on, Mariah. I'll catch you when you jump." Alex said.

"No thanks. Gloria got it." Mariah said.

Gloria smashes through the brick wall instead, as Mariah, Katie, and Brandon follow with them, too.

"Melman, come on!" Brandon shouted.

"You know, maybe one of us should wait here, in case he comes back." Melman asked as he stayed still.

"Oh no, not now. This is an intervention, Melman. we all gotta go." Gloria said.

"What's the fastest way to Grand Central?" Alex asked.

"Does anyone know where?" Mariah asked.

"You should take Lexington." Melman replied.

"Melman!" Gloria yelled.

"Okay. We... we should take Lexington." Melman said as he began running with them behind.

"What about Park?" Katie asked.

"No, Park goes two ways. You can't time the lights." Melman replied.

The chimpanzees, Phil and Mason, come out and look around.

"I heard Tom Wolfe is speaking at Lincoln Center." Mason said.

Phil signed languages to him.

"Well, of course we're going to throw a poo at him!" Mason said.

The chimpanzees go out, too. Back to Marty, he was having a good time at the skating rink until he fell backwards.

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