Chapter 13: Wild Sweet Wild

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Alex went to the door of the place.

NO SOLICITING, the sign said.

There was laughing and talking from the other side until Alex knocked on the door.

"Shh! It's him! Who is it?" Marty asked.

"It's the pizza, man. Who the heck do you think it is?" Alex asked.

"Yes? Can I help you?" Marty asked.

"Can I come to the fun side?" Alex asked quietly.

"Beg your pardon?" Marty asked.

"You know, I've been kind of a jerk, Marty. But I've been thinking about what you said and... I'm sorry." Alex said quietly.

Marty comes the door and unlocks the lockS until he finally opens to the door widely.

"Welcome to Casa del Wild! Take a load off! Hey, hey.. wipe your feet." Marty said.

Alex looks at the ground, and it has a welcome may that say, 'WILD SWEET WILD'.

"Alex!" Gloria shouted.

"Nice to see you!" Brandon shouted.

Alex sees Mariah while she is with Katie and Gloria and smiles.

"Mi casa, is su casa!" Marty shouted.

"Very impressive." Alex said as he looked around the place.

"Hey, have a drink! It's on the house!" Marty said as he hands Alex a cup.

Alex drinks the water but spits it out in disgust.

"This is sea water." Alex said.

Marty drinks and spits out of his water.

"Oh, you don't swallow it. It's just temporary until the plumbing's done. Hey, you all look hungry. How would you like some of nature's goodness?" Marty asked.

"You have food?" Gloria asked.

"The fun side special, coming up!" Marty said.

Marty pulls down a lever, and a tray comes down.

"Seaweed on a stick!" Marty said.

"Seaweed?" Alex asked.

"On a stick! You don't love it till you try it." Marty said.

Mariah was the only one who had some fish to cooked it by the fireplace, she turns to see the others eating seaweed except Alex, who disliked it.

"Hey, Alex. Do you want some fish instead?" Mariah asked.

"Uh, I'm good." Alex answered.

"But are you gonna be alright later?" Mariah asked.

Alex did not answer, but he took a bite of the seaweed to try it as the others continued eating.

"So good." Gloria said.

"Not bad." Brandon said.

"I like it." Katie said.

"Well, thanks! Does kind of hit the spot, doesn't it?" Marty asked.

Alex took a bite of the seaweed until he started coughing violently in disgust. The others looked at Alex, and Mariah giggled in reaction.

"Maybe we could use a little lemon." Marty said.

Alex finishes coughing and has some seaweed between his teeth.

"No, it's great. It's really great. Doesn't get any better than this." Alex said.

"Oh.. but it does. Check this out." Marty said.

Marty pulls another lever, and the roof opens up. They gazed at the beautiful sky as it was filled with billions of stars twinkling up the darkness.

"Wow. Would you look at that?" Brandon asked.

"It's like billions and billions of helicopters." Alex said.

"It's amazing, I always want to look up at the stars every night." Mariah said.

Alex looked at Mariah and smiled. He took her hand, and she looked at their hands holding. She looked up at him, and they both looked at each other. Which she allows Alex to hold onto her hand.

"It's a shooting star. Make a wish, quick!" Marty said.

"I wish we were at home in New York already." Mariah said.

"How about a thick juicy steak?" Alex asked.

"You know what, Alex? I promise you I'm gonna find you a steak tomorrow that kills you." Marty said.

"Thanks, Marty." Alex said.

"It's getting late. I guess I'm gonna..." Melman said and fell asleep fast.

"I think I'm gonna hit the sack, too. Sweet dreams, everyone." Gloria said to everyone.

They all went to sleep with the seaweed blankets that Mariah made, including Alex, who was sleeping next to Mariah.

In Alex's dream, a lot of steaks were falling for the sky everywhere and landed on Alex or next to him. He was very happy, until he sees Mariah standing 5 feet away from him, wearing a pink summer dress running towards him to give him a hug that makes them tumble around the ground until he was on top of her. He smirks as he licks his lips, hovering over her and going down to lick her neck to make her gasp softly.

"Alex." Mariah said, echoes.

Alex opened his eyes and saw that the others were still heavily asleep. He looked at his tongue of what he was licking. It was Mariah's arm. Alex looks at Mariah as her face blushes hardly.

"What are you doing?" Mariah asked in whisper.

"Sorry, I was cleaning you there. I didn't mean to interrupt your sleep. Goodnight." Alex said quietly and pretended to go to sleep.

Mariah was confused, but she snapped out of it and drifted off to sleep while blushing. While the gang were still sleeping, King Julien and Maurice were looking at them to see what was going on.

"You see, Maurice. Mr. Alex was grooming his girlfriend like a pet. He's clearly a tender loving thing. How can you have the heebiejeebies for Mr. Alex. Look at him. He's so cute and plushy." King Julien said happily.

"I don't think he was grooming her like a pet, Julien. He looked more like he was trying to mate her to me." Maurice said worriedly.

"Suit yourself, no matter. I don't care. Soon, we will put my excellent plan to action. All we have to do is wait until they're deep in their sleep." King Julien said.

All of the lemurs were in a tree as they all watched the gang sleep in peace for the night for a few seconds.

"How long is this going to take?!" King Julien yelled.

The gang wakes up to look at the tree, but the lemurs disappeared in time by hiding the leaves to cover themselves. They all decided to go back to sleep again.

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