Chapter 11: Alex's Plan

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"Well, boys, it's gonna be ice cold sushi for breakfast." Skipper said

The penguins did some high finned each other.

"Rico!" Skipper said.

Rico pops the top of the champagne.

"Well, since I'm doomed to die on this forsaken island, I, Melman Mankowitz, being of sound mind and unsound body, have divided my estate equally among the five of you." Melman said.

There were big long words on the sand for Melman's grave, but it was half washed away by the water.

"Oh, sorry, Alex." Melman said.

"Hey! A latrine. Nice work, Melman. Outdoor plumbing." Marty said.

"No, it's not a latrine. It's a grave. You sent Melman to his grave. Are you happy?" Alex asked sadly.

"Oh, come on. This is not the end. This is the whole new beginning. This could be the best thing that's ever happened to us." Marty explained.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! This is not the best thing that's ever happened to us." Alex said.

"Yeah! You've abused the power of the birthday wish and brought this bad luck on all of us. Why did you tell your wish? You're not supposed to do that." Melman said.

"Don't get too serious, Melman." Katie said.

"Wait a minute, I didn't want to tell you. Remember? You guys made me tell you." Marty said.

"Oh, ok." Melman said.

Alex brings out a big broken tree and makes a long line of the sand between Marty and the others.

"Besides, this isn't bad luck. This is good luck. Look around. There's no fences, no schedules, this place is beautiful!" Marty explained.

"Okay! Okay! I've had enough of this. This is your side of the island, and this is our side of the island. That is the bad side where you can prance and skip around like a magical pixie horse. And do whatever the hack you wanna do all day long. And this is the good side of the island, for those who love New York and care about going home." Alex explained.

"Come on." Marty said.

As Marty tried to come to their side, Alex blocked him.

"No, no. Back, back. Back!" Alex said.

"You know what, this isn't good." Gloria said.

"Okay! You all have your side, and I'll have mine. And if you need me, I'll be over here. On the fun side of the island. Having a good old time!" Marty said as he left.

"This is the fun side! This is the fun side! We're all gonna have a great time surviving until we go home! I love this side! This side is the best! That side stinks! You're on the Jersey side of this cesspool!" Alex shouted.

"Well, now what do we do?" Melman asked.

"Don't worry, Melman, I have a plan to get us rescued." Alex said.

"But how?" Katie asked.

It was nighttime now of the day. Alex and Brandon have been working on the project to be rescued.

"Can't wait to see that look on Marty's face when he sees this." Alex said, which it got Mariah's attention.

"Are you sure that it's gonna work?" Brandon asked.

"I know it will. Just look at him. He's helpless without us." Alex said.

They both looked at Marty as he set up some leaves. He untied a vine, and the leaves lifted up as a big umbrella with seashells hanging at the edges. Marty was smiling to tease, which makes Alex gets upset.

"We did not see that one coming." Brandon said.

"Shut up, Spalding." Alex said to a deflated basketball he found a put his handprint on it with a face. Melman tried to make fire by two wooden sticks. Later that night, Gloria was posing like the Staue of Liberty with a flower until Alex and Brandon were finally finished building.

"I've been standing here for hours, man! How long do I have to pose like this?" Gloria asked as she was holding a big flower looking leaf.

"She is finito!" Alex shouted as he kissed his fingertips perfectly.

"You can look now!" Brandon shouted.

Gloria, Mariah, and Katie take a look, and they were all surprised.

"I defy any rescue boat within a million miles to miss this baby! When the moment is right, we will ignite the Beacon of the Liberty! And be rescued from this awful nightmare!" Alex shouted.

"Great. All it needs is fire." Katie said.

Alex looked over to Mariah to see if he might get her attention, but she was using the leaves to make some blankets.

"So, Mariah. What do you think?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Go and check on Melman if the fire is ready." Mariah said, not looking at him as she was working on the blankets.

Alex was devastating again, Brandon looked over the situation.

"Dude, you know she will never love you." Brandon whispered.

Alex got angry and hit Brandon's shoulder to make him stop teasing him.

"Ow." Brandon said.

Alex went to go look at Melman, who was still trying to make fire.

"How's the liberty fire going, Melman?" Alex asked.

"Great! Idiot." Melman said.

"I heard that." Alex said.

"Why can't we just borrow some of Marty's fire?" Melman asked.

"That's wild fire! We're not using wild fire on Lady Liberty!" Alex answered.

"What's the difference?" Brandon asked.

Now rub, Melman!" Alex shouted.

"I've been doing, I can't! I can't! I can't do it! I can't do it!" Melman shouted as he slapped the wooden sticks together

Suddenly, the fire appears on the wood pieces on Melman's hooves.

"Fire. Fire!" Melman shouted happily.

Melman laughs at the accomplishment that he did, then he realizes.

"Fire! Fire! Fire!" Melman shouted in panic.

Melman runs around with the wooden fire on the two sticks in his hooves as he comes closer to lady liberty.

"No, no!" Alex shouted.

"Melman, stop!" Mariah shouted.

"Calm down!" Brandon shouted.

"Fire!" Melman shouted.

Suddenly, the fire touches the statue and gets caught on fire.

"Jump! Alex, jump!" Mariah shouted.

"You too, Brandon!" Katie shouted

Alex and Brandon jumped at the same time.

"Don't worry, cats always land on their..." Gloria said.

Alex lands on his face, and Brandon falls on top of him.

"Face? Man, what kind of cat are you? Gloria asked.

That all stared at the statue as it burned down to the ground. Alex gets on his knees and hits the ground with his fists.

"You maniac! You burned it up! Darn you! Darn, you're going all to heck!" Alex shouted angrily.

"So, now what?" Brandon asked.

"Can we go to the fun side now?" Melman asked as he was getting bored.

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