Chapter 17: Alex, Mariah, and Marty

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Marty and Mariah walks pass through a lot of big leaves and rocks for her way to find Alex of where he might be at it was the area of where the Fossa are at.

"Well, I guess this is where Alex might be." Marty said as she continued walking.

But what they didn't know was that Fossa looked at them and to each other and nodded as they were going to plan to attack them.

"Alex, are you here?! Can you hear me?! The boat's here, we can go home now!" Mariah shouted as she kept on finding Alex.

A storm was coming, and Alex curled up into a ball as he lay down on his stump rock. He gets up as he sees his human fans as big steaks while they are calling his name to cheer for him. He gets excited when he eyes go big again, and he takes his claws out.

"Alex!" Marty and Mariah shouted.

His vision turns back to normal and now sees Mariah and Marty.

"Alex. It's us." Mariah said.

"Mariah? Marty?" Alex asked.

"Snap out of it, Alex. The boat came back. We can get out of here. We can go back to civilization, and everything will be just like it used to be." Marty explained.

"Stay back. Please. I'm a monster." Alex said as he stepped back.

"Alex, you're no monster. You're our friend. We're a team. You and me, remember?" Marty asked.

Alex comes at Marty, trying to attack him, but Marty moves back and falls down. Both Marty and Mariah were frightened that he would do something like that to Marty from earlier. It makes Mariah start to cry.

"I don't wanna hurt you." Alex said worriedly.

"Alex, please just listen..." Mariah tries to talk.

Alex runs back into his new 'home'. But Mariah and Marty weren't giving up on him. They take a deep breath and walk closer to him slowly. They stand away from him enough for him not to see them as the Fossa was watching them, looking very hungry the entire time.

"Alex. We ain't leaving without you." Marty said.

Alex didn't say anything and covered his face.

Marty looked at Alex, then back to Mariah for an idea.

"Mariah, I think it's time." Marty said.

"What?" Mariah asked.

"You should tell him how you really feel." Marty answered.

"What? No, I can't." Mariah said.

"Mariah, I know that you actually feel the same way as he does to you. But if you confess to him right away, he'll finally snap out of it." Marty explained.

"Are you sure?" Mariah asked.

"Yeah, no go." Marty said.

Mariah thinks that it's time for him to finally listen to what she has to say from a long time ago. She took a deep breath slowly and decided to talk as she walked a little bit closer to Alex for him to hear.

"I have something that I want to tell you that I've been keeping it for so long. Do you know why I won't give up on you for everything? Like just to come here for you? Well, the truth is... I have feelings about you." Mariah said.

Alex softens up as he listens to Mariah's voice.

"Ever since that we first met from a long time when we were little, I have this feeling inside of me that I want to say. But I was feared that you don't feel the same as I do. I really couldn't stop staring at you from when you perform or when you look at me with those blue eyes of yours. It makes me feel like I'm more to be with you. You were always someone to me. Before we got, we were transferred to the boat, and before we came here... even before you became a monster. To me, you were someone to me before then. I'm trying to say that... I love you. And I'm serious about my feelings for you to be with me and ways stay with me. I won't let you get anything away from both of us. I will never break a promise ever in my life." Mariah explained her feelings as Alex eyes were back to normal.

Suddenly, Marty and Mariah looked around and saw a group of Foosa crawling towards them everywhere, slowly and Marty got scared, got scared, and taking steps back slowly while looking at them as Mariah was about to fight them.

"Alex? We need you now." Mariah said to Alex as she looked at the Foosa.

"Could you come out here for a minute? Hey, Alex, a l-l-little help." Marty said to Alex.

They started to attack Marty, but Mariah hit the Foosa.

"Marty, go!" Mariah shouted.

"Aah! Help us!" Marty shouted in fear.

"Alex! Get away from me!" Mariah shouted.

The Fossa chased after Marty and Mariah. Alex's face became serious.

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