Chapter 10: Meet King Julien

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Mort was kicked out of the bushes.

"No!" Mort shouted.

Mort got the attention from the gang, and as they all looked at Mort, he grabbed his tail and shook in fear.

"Hi, there." Marty said, but Alex pushed him back as he cleared his throat.

"Let me talk to him." Brandon said.

Alex pushes Brandon out of the way, too.

"You two let me handle it. Alex handles it. Both Marty and Brandon does nothing." Alex whispered.

Alex walked up to Mort and smiled while the other was behind.

"Hi, there!" Alex said as his teeth were shown, and Mort started to cry.

"Oh, sorry. No, no." Alex said worriedly.

"You're scaring him." Mariah said.

"Oh, Alex, what did you do?" Melman asked.

"No, no, no. Stop, stop. It's okay. It's okay. I'm just a silly, just a silly lion." Alex said.

Alex did a silly dance but only made it worse. Mort cries even louder, making the gang scared. The other lemurs were all watching the scene. The gang pushes Alex out of the way as both Mariah and Gloria get up to Mort.

"Oh, you poor little baby, did that big mean lion scare you?" Gloria asked Mort.

Mort nodded 'yes' to answer.

"He did? He's a big bad old puddy tad, isn't he?" Gloria asked.

Mort nodded, 'Yes', looked at Mariah, and held his arms up to be held up.

"Come on, I'll hold you." Mariah said as she picked him up.

"They are so cute from a reasonable distance." Melman said.

Mort became happy and hugged Mariah even more to make Mariah kiss him on the head, which made Alex jealous.

"At least, he's really cute." Mariah said.

"Suck up." Alex whispered, angrily.

Mariah passes Mort to Gloria to carry him instead. Gloria tickles Mort's stomach to make him giggle.

"You're sweetest little thing, I just wanna dunk him in my coffee." Gloria said.

King Julien and Maurice were also watching the scene from the bushes.

"They are just a bunch of pansies." King Julien said.

"I don't know, there's still something about that one with the crazy hairdo that I find suspicious." Maurice said worriedly.

"Nonsense, Maurice! Come on, everybody! Let's go and meet the pansies!" Kin Julien shouted to the lemurs.

Everybody gets out cheering for the gang. The gang were confused until they heard a horn, Maurice stood in front of them to make an announcement.

"Presenting your royal highness our illustrious King Julien the 13 self-proclaimed Lord of the Lemur, etc. etc. Hurray everybody." Maurice said, and everybody cheered.

King Julian came out while everybody cheered, and the gang looked at King Julien.

"He's got style." Marty said.

"What's he like, King of the guinea pigs?" Alex asked.

"I think it's a squirrel." Melman said.

"Welcome, giant pansies! Please feel free to bask in my glow!" King Julien said.

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