Chapter 1: Field Trip on Friday

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The movie begins as Marty jumps from vines for swinging and runs away in the wild, that he is having the time for his life. He jumps over a huge gap and lands safely on the other side. He was getting closer to his dream of destination, the view was a river view with a sun that it was shining and trees were everywhere. Suddenly, Alex, Mariah, Katie, and Brandon come out and sneak up to Marty without him to realize. As Marty keeps on running to his view, Alex pops out in front of him, saying,

"Surprise!" Alex yelled as he raised his hands up.

Marty screamed and fell off of his treadmill and hit the brick wall behind him.

"Marty, are you okay?" Katie asked.

"Don't worry, he's fine." Brandon said to Katie.

"Alex! Do not interrupt me when I'm daydreaming! When the zebra's in the zone, leave him alone." Marty said as he got up and walked up to Alex.

"Come on, Marty, we just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!" Alex said.

"Happy birthday." Mariah, Katie, and Brandon said together.

"Hey guys, thanks." Marty said.

"We have some gifts for your birthday, but we'll hand them to you during the party." Mariah said.

Alex groans in pain. The others look at him, confused.

"Hey, um...I got something stuck in my teeth. It's driving me crazy! Can you help me out here? Please?" Alex asked Marty. as he held the right side of his chin.

"Well, you came to the right place, my friend. Doctor Marty D.D.S. is in the house! Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may." Marty said and patted next to him that Alex sat on.

Marty looks in front and inside of Alex's mouth.

"I don't see anything." Marty said.

"Maybe it's at the back." Mariah said.

"It's on the left." Alex mumbled as Marty sticks his head inside of Alex's mouth.

"Ow!" Marty shouted in pain.

"Oh, sorry." Alex mumbled.

"Okay, just don't talk with your mouth full." Marty said as he took his head out for the reminder.

Then, Marty's head went back into the mouth.

"Do you need a flashlight?" Brandon asked.

"No. I got it. Aha.. Right in here." Marty said as he took the item and his head out of the mouth to take a look.

It was a snow globe with a red bow on top from Alex's mouth.

"What the heck is this doing in there?" Marty asked.

"Happy Birthday!" Alex said happily.

"Awww.. Hey.. Thanks, man. You put it behind the tooth! You're all right." Marty said.

"These aren't on the shelf yet. Here, check it out. Look at that. Ooh.. look at that. Look at that. It's snowing. Ten years old, huh? A decade! Double digits. A big 1-O." Alex said as he shook the snow globe, and Marty took a closer look at it.

Marty's expression went from happy to depressed and Alex realized it.

"What's wrong?" Katie asked.

"You don't like it?" Alex asked.

"No, no. It's great!" Marty replied as he put away the gift.

"You hate it. Uh! I should have gotten you the Alex alarm clock. That's the one, that's the big seller." Alex said.

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