𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 - 21 [M]

257 21 5

Hie Barbies

As Tae entered their home, the sight of Jungkook seated on the couch, his laptop resting on his lap, and a glass of wine in hand, caught his attention. The way Jungkook sipped the wine with a certain grace made him irresistibly alluring, even without him realizing it.

With a smile gracing his lips, Tae approached Jungkook, his heart fluttering at the sight of his beloved. Despite the exhaustion from work, seeing Jungkook brought a sense of warmth and comfort to his tired soul.

"Hey, mafia"...Tae said while jungkook chuckled.The dim lighting of the room cast a gentle glow around them, adding to the cozy atmosphere.

"Hey, love''... Jungkook replied, his voice soft and filled with warmth. He took another sip of wine, his gaze never leaving Tae's, as if captivated by the mere presence of his husband.

As Tae stood in front of the bed, his routine of shedding his clothes began like clockwork. With practiced ease, he unbuttoned his shirt, letting it fall to the floor without a second thought. Next came his bra, tossed aside with casual abandon, followed by his trousers, leaving him clad in nothing but lace panties.

But instead of discarding his panties onto the floor like the rest of his attire, Tae had a mischievous glint in his eye. With a playful smirk, he aimed for Jungkook's face, tossing the lace panties at him with a light flick of his wrist.

Jungkook, unfazed by the unexpected undergarment flying towards him, continued to focus on his work. His attention remained fixed on the screen before him, his expression unchanged as the lace panties landed on his face. But he also sniffed his panty and might or might not licked the small slick on it, tae got more wet seeing him doing that with such unbothered expressions...

Tae sauntered over to Jungkook, a playful gleam dancing in his eyes as he closed the laptop with a resounding thud. Without missing a beat, he tossed the closed device onto the bed before settling himself onto Jungkook's lap, wrapping his arms around his husband in a tight embrace.

Jungkook welcomed Tae's warmth eagerly, his arms instinctively encircling Tae's waist. Despite the interruption to his work, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of his playful and affectionate husband. In that moment, the laptop and the work it held seemed insignificant compared to the joy of having Tae in his arms.

''my body is aching''... Tae mumbled about his aching body, he gently nibbled on Jungkook's neck, seeking solace in the comforting warmth of his husband's embrace. Jungkook's soothing caresses on his lower back elicited a deep sigh from Tae, who continued to leave a trail of kisses and gentle nips, marking Jungkook's skin with hickies. Concern etched into his features, Jungkook queried

"Why's that, babe?''.... Despite his instinct to seek medical help, Jungkook knew Tae's profession made it unnecessary. Tae shrugged

"I need a massage''... Tae murmured, his gaze fixed on Jungkook with a pleading expression, silently beseeching for relief from the discomfort. A warm smile graced Jungkook's lips as he suggested

"Let's get some massage oil''... With gentle insistence, he rose from their shared space, though Tae resisted leaving his comforting lap.

In the kitchen, Jungkook retrieved almond oil, the scent filling the air with a sense of tranquility. Returning to Tae's side, he urged his husband to lay on his stomach, a gesture met with compliant acquiescence.

With skilled hands, Jungkook poured the oil onto Tae's back and buttocks, the cool liquid causing a shiver of anticipation to ripple through Tae's body. As Jungkook's hands began to roam in slow, deliberate movements, Tae couldn't help but emit a contented purr, finding solace in the comfort of Jungkook's touch.

"I love your hands''... Tae confessed softly, his voice laced with genuine affection and appreciation, eliciting a fond chuckle from Jungkook.

Jungkook gently guided Tae to lay on his back once more, his hands expertly massaging Tae's front body. As Tae gazed at him with affection, Jungkook returned the gaze with a warm smile before Tae closed his eyes, surrendering to the sensations coursing through his body. His content expression faltered slightly when Jungkook's hands began to rub his nipples, the sensation amplified by the slickness of the oil. Continuing his ministrations, Jungkook's hands moved to Tae's navel, and then further down to his pearl, slipping two digits inside and eliciting a gasp of pleasure from Tae.

"Look at you, just wet from my touch''... Jungkook smirked pushing two fingers inside him, reveling in the effect he had on Tae.

"It isn't even anything, I get wet at the sight of you''...Tae retorted with a sly smirk, his playful demeanor matching Jungkook's teasing tone. Undeterred, Jungkook added two more fingers, causing Tae to giggle and squirm in pleasure.

Sitting up, Tae reciprocated the gesture, urging Jungkook to remove his clothes. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Tae poured oil onto Jungkook's broad chest, his hands skillfully massaging the muscles but not by hands but with his breasts as he also poured oil on them, while simultaneously stroking Jungkook's length. The sensation elicited a deep sigh of pleasure from Jungkook, who was thoroughly enjoying Tae's touch.

"You will seriously be the death of me someday''... Jungkook breathed out, his voice tinged with both desire and amusement as he pulled Tae into a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing in a fervent embrace. He sucked his tongue uncontrollably making tae to moan and hum

Moving to straddle Jungkook's lap, Tae guided Jungkook's member inside him, the oil easing its passage into his tight walls.

"I won't do anything, you are way too tired''..Jungkook declared, his concern for Tae evident in his tone.

"But I want you''... Tae whined, his desire evident in his pleading tone.

"Try to understand, love. The actions you just pulled are driving me crazy, and I don't want to fuck your brains and holes out when your body isn't ready for it''.. Jungkook explained gently, pulling Tae into a tight embrace.

"Nasty''.. Tae retorted playfully, earning a laugh from Jungkook as he delivered a playful spank.

Their playful banter continued as they exchanged affectionate gestures, Tae adorning Jungkook's neck with marks while Jungkook marveled at the sensation of Tae's cum coating his shaft.

"Babe, did you just cum?"...Jungkook inquired, surprised by the unexpected release.

"Yes, just like the way you did''.. Tae smirked, reveling in the intense connection they shared, they had insane impact on each other even nh doing minimum both cummed just by laying on each other's arms

''wanna take a bath?''...asked jungkook

''yes''...replied tae

As they made their way to the bath, Tae suggested indulging in a warm soak together instead of cold, a gesture that Jungkook readily accepted with a smile. He sat down with tae on lap and leaned to his chest and in minutes jungkook could hear soft snores he smiled hugging him close..

After a complete hour jungkook was still adoring tae he stood up carefully and scooped him in his arms after cleaning themselves jungkook firstly made tae wear his shirt as like always his sinful body was distracting him way too much, he wouldn't be able to focus on any other work..

Later that evening, Jungkook prepared dinner, and they enjoyed each other's company, laughing and talking late into the night, their bond stronger than ever...


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I love you all<3

𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 {𝚃𝙺} ✓Where stories live. Discover now