𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 - 8

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Hie Barbies

In a dimly lit warehouse on the outskirts of the city, the tension was palpable as Jimin and Hobi, members of Jungkook's gang, dragged a naked man named Wooshik into their territory. Wooshik was a member of a rival gang who had been feeding information to his boss, betraying Jungkook and his crew.

As they threw Wooshik to the ground, his body bruised and battered from the rough treatment, fear flickered in his eyes. He knew he was in deep trouble now that he had been caught. The gang members surrounded him, their faces contorted with anger and anticipation.

"You little rat, You thought you could fucking betray us and get away with it?"..Jimin spat, his voice dripping with venom. Hobi cracked his knuckles menacingly, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"You're going to pay for what you've done''... he growled, his eyes gleaming with malice. Wooshik cowered on the ground, his body trembling with fear.

"P-please, I-I didn't mean to betray you. It was just business''... he stammered, his voice barely audible..

But his pleas fell on deaf ears as Jungkook stepped forward, his expression cold and unforgiving. He towered over Wooshik, his presence sending shivers down the man's spine.

"You think you can just sell us out and walk away?, You've made a grave mistake, Wooshik"... Jungkook's voice was low and dangerous, his eyes burning with fury.

With a signal from Jungkook, the other gang members began to circle Wooshik, their intentions clear. They were going to make him pay for his betrayal in the most painful way possible.

"Let's teach him a lesson he won't forget''... Jimin said, a cruel smirk twisting his lips.

"We'll show him what happens to traitors''...Hobi nodded eagerly

As Wooshik's screams echoed through the warehouse, the gang members unleashed their wrath upon him. They subjected him to unspeakable acts of torture, determined to make him suffer for his betrayal.

They beat him mercilessly, leaving him battered and broken on the ground. They burned him with cigarettes, leaving painful scars on his skin. And they humiliated him, stripping him naked and parading him around like a trophy.

Through it all, Wooshik begged for mercy, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. The gang members were relentless in their pursuit of vengeance, fueled by their anger and betrayal.

Jungkook's wrath was not to be underestimated, and those who dared to betray him would suffer the consequences. Wooshik was just the latest victim of their merciless retribution, a warning to all who dared to oppose them.

Jungkook, his expression dark and brooding, listened intently as his bodyguard informed him that Woojin, his superior, had summoned him to his office. With a nod of acknowledgment, Jungkook dismissed the bodyguard and swiftly made his way to his quarters to freshen up.

Inside his room, Jungkook's mind was consumed with thoughts of revenge. He knew exactly who the bodyguard was referring to – the traitorous rat who had dared to betray him and his gang. As he washed away the grime of the day, Jungkook's thoughts turned to the punishment that awaited the traitor.

Once he was presentable, Jungkook strode out of his room with purpose, his jaw set in determination. Spotting Jackson, one of his most trusted enforcers, he beckoned him over with a wave of his hand.

"Jackson take care of that asshole. I want him dealt with swiftly and ruthlessly''.... Jungkook's voice was cold and authoritative..

Jackson, nodded solemnly, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew that disobeying Jungkook's orders was not an option – the consequences would be dire.

𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 {𝚃𝙺} ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora