𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 - 1

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Hie Barbies

In a dim room filled with tension, the leaders of two powerful mafia clans gathered for an important meeting. At one end of a long table sat Jungkook, the top boss, with a commanding presence that demanded respect. At the other end sat Kim Woojin, another influential leader, quieter but just as powerful.

Their gang members sat on either side, ready to discuss a crucial mission. Everyone was on edge, knowing the stakes were high. As the meeting started, each member shared their ideas and plans. Jungkook and Woojin listened carefully, showing no emotion as they considered the options.

Despite their rivalry, there was a mutual respect between Jungkook and Woojin. They knew they needed to work together to succeed. As the meeting ended, they exchanged a glance—a silent agreement to cooperate, at least for now.

In the world of the mafia, where trust was rare and betrayal common, their alliance was a sign of strength amidst the chaos.

'' Alright everyone, let's get down to business. We need to plan how we're going to execute this mission flawlessly''...said jungkook

'' I suggest we gather intel first. We need to know our target's movements and vulnerabilities before we make a move''...Suga stated

''exactly''... Jackson and hobi said while other members nodded

''We should also consider using distractions to draw attention away from our main objective''... Jimin said

''And let's not forget about logistics. We need to ensure we have the right equipment and manpower in place to carry out the operation smoothly''...he said again they all nodded understanding

'' What about infiltration? If we can get someone on the inside, it could give us a significant advantage''... Jackson invaded

''and if someone unnecessary arise, would be killed''...Jimin said shrugging

'' I think we should focus on minimizing casualties. We don't want unnecessary bloodshed attracting unwanted attention''....jin pointed out

''we need to be prepared for any unexpected obstacles that may arise. Flexibility is key to adapting to changing circumstances''...hobi said

'' Excellent suggestions, everyone. Let's incorporate these ideas into our plan and reconvene tomorrow to finalize the details. We're going to make this mission a success, no matter what it takes''..said jungkook with a straight face while everyone nodded...

Each member of the gang contributes their unique expertise and perspective to the discussion, ensuring that their plan is comprehensive and well-rounded.

''Alright, now let's talk specifics. Suga, Jimin, I want you two on intel duty. Find out everything you can about our target's movements and weaknesses''..said jungkook

''Agreed. And while they're doing that, RM, Jackson, I want you focusing on logistics. Make sure we have the right equipment and manpower for the job''...woojin spoke up making them nod in understanding

''Jin, Hobi, I need you to work on infiltration. Find a way to get someone on the inside so we can get the drop on them''...he said again

''And don't forget about the distractions. We need to keep them busy while our main team moves in''...hobi exclaimed

''Exactly. Let's make sure we cover all our bases and leave no room for error. We're going to pull this off flawlessly''... jungkook nodded with a small smirk

As the meeting progressed, tension hung heavy in the air, each member of the gang focused on the task at hand. Suddenly, the sound of the gate swinging open echoed through the room, causing everyone to turn in surprise.

𝙷𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 {𝚃𝙺} ✓Where stories live. Discover now