"Yes, about the championship too," Katie demanded. Olivia nodded. "What happened there?"

"We saw the dark mark in the Daily Prophet", Alicia hissed and Angelina nodded. "Did something happen to you?"

Y/n swallowed. Suddenly she remembered her mother again. She wouldn't tell the girls, that much was certain. Still, she gave them an answer. After all, more had happened. "There was a campsite for the World Cup visitors. You can imagine how crowded it was. When everyone panicked that night, it quickly became unpleasant."

"Terrible," Katie commented.

"What do you think that means?", Maggy asked the group. But Olivia nipped her worries in the bud. "Whatever the intention behind this attack were, we are safe at Hogwarts. Currently there is no reason..."

"Yes, currently", Angelina repeated. "But who knows what else lies ahead of us."

"If I'm honest, I'm not sure if I want to know," y/n admitted. The others nodded in unison. Now the girls changed the subject. Maggy grinned. "But now tell me, how was it with the twins?"

Y/n sighed but laughed. "I like the Weasleys."

Katie rolled her eyes. "I like a lot of people too. But what about the boys? How was it with Fred?"

"Why are you asking about Fred?" Y/n tried her best to act dumb. Angelina shook her head. "Don't play stupid."

Y/n was speechless for a few seconds. Luckily at that moment there was a knock on their compartment door and the boys opened it.

"Speaking of the devil," said Maggy and grinned at Fred. He looked irritated. "Devil?"

"Tell me," Angelina now turned to him. "How was it with y/n?"

Y/n felt herself getting a little nervous. She began to silently pray that Fred would just keep his mouth shut. But he actually went one step further. "What do you think? Mum was happy to have a Percy replacement. Personally, I found it rather sobering to have another killjoy in the house when we've only just gotten rid of the first one."

"What?", y/n exclaimed. She had wanted Fred not to say that he had slept in her bed twice. But that was really a bit harsh of him. Or was he serious? No, he couldn't be. Y/n looked at George, but he just smiled at her apologetically. So y/n looked back at Fred. "Don't worry, that was my first and last visit at yours."

Fred shrugged. But before he could say anything else, Olivia shooed the boys away again. "Go away if all you can do is spread a bad mood."

"We're not in a bad mood", George protested and Lee nodded, but Olivia showed no mercy.

Afterwards, the girls' mood was somewhat clouded for a moment. But they quickly managed to shift the topic to nicer things. Y/n also tried not to think about Fred, even though she was seething inside.

But once they got to the castle, it was easy to focus on something else. Dumbledore had a big announcement to make.

"The Triwizard Tournament," the headmaster's voice echoed through the hall. "It will be held at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year. As hosts, let's therefore welcome our special guests."

All the students turned their heads excitedly as the double doors to the Great Hall opened. "Please welcome the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their Headmistress, Madame Maxime."

"Lovely, fitting," Olivia breathed as the French students walked in. Although walking was probably the wrong word, they were more likely dancing and sending blue flying lights with elegant magic.

"They're incredibly beautiful," Maggy also admitted and y/n nodded. She couldn't stop her gaze from flicking to Fred. Actually, it wasn't her business, but she was interested in whether he was also looking at these French girls. Of course he looked, everyone did. Still, y/n felt a little tug in her stomach.

But then the next surprise came. The gate to the great hall opened again and Dumbledore spoke. "And now we welcome the students of the Durmstrang Institute and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff."

Now several things caught y/n's attention. Of course the many boys who now strode majestically into the hall. Plus the name of the headmaster, Karkaroff, something rang a bell. But she didn't have time to think about it. Because the student who walked next to the headmaster caught everyone's attention. It was none other than the Bulgarian Seeker, Victor Krum.

"I didn't know he's still a student," Maggy marveled. Her friends nodded.

Then Dumbeldore continued. Together with Barty Crouch, who was also a guest today, he revealed the prize of the tournament. The Triwizard Cup that shone in a bright blue.

But when Dumbledore announced that the contestants had to be of legal age to take part in the game, he made himself unpopular. Y/n herself wasn't affected by it. She enjoyed Quidditch, but this tournament was more for crazy suicidal people.

Before there was finally food, Dumbledore announced a change in the curriculum. A new teacher for DADA. Mad Eye Moody. Y/n was sad that Lupine was gone, the new one looked a bit crazy.

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