Ten Thousand Reasons

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"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds..."

-Nicholas Sparks-

   Imelda slumped into her chair, her frustration spilling out like the contents of an overturned cauldron. "This is hopeless!" she groaned, throwing her hands up in defeat.

   Poppy, lounging across from Imelda with an eyebrow raised, couldn't resist a little jab. "Hmmm, since when do Slytherins give up so easily? I'm shocked," she teased.

   Imelda turned sharply to Poppy; her eyes narrowed. "You know, ever since you started dating a Gaunt, you've developed quite the edge, and frankly, I'm not a fan!" She huffed, annoyance lacing her words. "I already catch enough grief from the girls in Slytherin; I don't need it from a Hufflepuff too."

   Adelaide peered over the stack of books in front of her, curious. "What's all the fuss about? What could they possibly tease you for?"

   As if on cue, we all chimed in with the list of insults that had been hurled at Imelda like spells in a duel.

"House traitor."

"Sleeping with a Weasley."




   Imelda rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the small smile tugging at her lips. "Thanks, girls," she said dryly.

   "Don't mention it," we all replied in unison, barely glancing away from the ancient texts we were scouring.

   Sebastian leaned in, ready to add his own quip to the mix. "Ahhh, and let's not forget—"

   "Shut it, Sallow!" Grace cut him off with a quick snap.

      I looked up at Sebastian and couldn't help but smirk, "They're right, no need for your two Knuts."

   "This is why people steer clear of you Slytherin girls," he muttered, feigning intimidation.

   "Awww, is Sallow scared?" Violet cooed, a playful lilt to her voice.

   "I am not!" Sebastian protested, but there was a small grin on his face.

   "Okay, okay, let's focus, everyone." Amit's voice was calm and steady. He sat down beside me, the letter from my mother in hand. "I've been poring over this, and one part stands out: 'It is crucial that you complete the tasks outlined in the book as quickly as possible...It is this heritage, this birthright, that holds the key to unlocking the mysteries that surround you.' Considering what happened on your eighteenth birthday and Ominis's theory about your legacy, you might need to prove you're worthy."

   Ominis stood up suddenly, urgency in his posture as he paced behind the couch where Amit, Sebastian, and I were seated. Spurred by Amit's insight, I reached for the journal, ready to piece together the clues woven into my mother's cryptic message.

   Gathering around the journal, the mystery of the cryptic message hung heavy in the room. "So, from the clue in the book, we can gather that something significant is set to occur at midnight on November first," I surmised aloud to the group.

   Sacharissa, her brow furrowed in confusion, piped up, "Wait, how do we know that?"

   Priscilla reached for the copy of the clue, holding it out to Sacharissa with a matter-of-fact nod. "Because of this," she explained, pointing to the faded writing.

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