Love Sick & Quidditch

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   "Of course this would happen to me!" Imelda came up to the table, stomping and dropped down on the bench next to me in the Great Hall.

   "Well, good morning to you too Imelda... What's the crisis scheduled for today?" Ominis said dryly. This caused Imelda to roll her eyes, but she continued.

   "Violet got sick and is in the hospital wing for a while! Tomorrow is the first Quidditch match, and it's Slytherin vs. Gryffindor. We don't have a seeker!" She then slammed her head on the table and groaned with frustration.

   "What's this I hear about no seeker?" Sebastian sat on the opposite side of the table next to Ominis, late as usual. I looked up at him and smiled. He, of course, returned my gesture with a cocky smirk. That boy will be the death of me.

   "So, what's the plan Imelda?" I said, moving my food around my plate. "Are you thinking of changing someone's position, or can you find a last-minute seeker?"

   Imelda's eyes instantly grew wide, and she slowly turned to face me with a devilish grin on her face.



   "NO! I've never played Quidditch!"

   "I can teach you!" Imelda then got right in my face.

   "Please, please, please! C'mon, I'll owe you one!"

   "Wow, for Imelda Reyes to be in my debt..." Sebastian said inquisitively.

   "In your dreams Sallow!" Imelda scoffed.

   "Hey, you never know," I said, "Sebastian loves it when friends are in his debt, if I remember correctly."

   "I can't believe you remember're definitely my kindred spirit," He said, almost glowing at me.

   "Of course I do!" I rolled my eyes with a smile back.

   "Ugh ew, you guys are gross, but I'll put up with it if you help your best friend, and favorite witch out?" Imelda said, pleading with me.

   Thinking about it, I did have a natural talent on a broom, and Imelda would be the best teacher. What really convinced me was how much Imelda had been my support through the last few years. If anything, I owed her.

   "Fine Imelda, I'll help you out. You're lucky I have almost no work to do today. When do you want to start?"

   "Yes! Are you done eating?" I nodded, "Then let's go get changed and head to the field. You have good technique but I'm sure I have a ton of work to do to get you game ready."

   "Thank you for the confidence Imelda."

   "Excuse you, it's Captain now...let's go!" she said as she sprung up from her seat.

   I looked back at Sebastian and Ominis before following Imelda out, "I guess I'll see you two on the field later?"

   "Oh absolutely!" Sebastian grabbed Ominis by the shoulders...

   "Sallow, get your hands off me! I will kill you if I need to!" Ominis said with anger and frustration.

   "Sorry Ominis..." Sebastian turned to me, "we'll meet you down there. I wouldn't miss this for the world!"

   I laughed at Sebastian's comment and caught up to Imelda as we walked arm in arm towards our room.

   "M/C, I don't know if you've noticed, but you haven't stopped smiling all morning," Imelda said.

   "Well, it's been a good day. What are you getting at?" I knew she wanted to talk about Sebastian, but there was not much to report; we were friends.

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