The Boys Are Fighting

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Sebastian POV





    The freezing spell jerked me around to face its caster, revealing the familiar gray eyes of my once best friend. Of course, he would choose this moment to appear. Mentally bracing myself, I prepared for the impending lecture. Ominis should teach a class on how to bore your friends with logic and annoyances at the absolute worst times.

   "I know I said the Undercroft was indestructible, but please let's not burn the whole damn thing down, if you're going to throw a tantrum I'd prefer it not be here" Ominis said, his tone laced with a hint of exasperation.

   "What makes you think that you have any idea of what I'm feeling anymore, it's not like you're even part of my life." I snapped back with a sharp tone.

   "That may be true, but as much as you push me away, I will always know your thoughts and feelings. Trust me, I'm not happy about it either"

   "Why the fuck are you here Ominis!" I was already annoyed with the day and was feeling rage boiling inside me, the last fucking thing I needed on this damn planet was to be lectured by a former friend.

   "Last I checked this is my Undercroft, you are the visitor I'd watch your tone. I see that some things never changed, if I had to guess this has to do with..."

   I cut him off sharply, "DON'T EVEN UTTER HER NAME. SHE MEANS NOTHING TO ME, SHE NEVER DID." I knew Ominis could tell I was lying, but my pride wouldn't allow me to express my true emotions. It was easier to hold onto the hatred, for her and for them all..

   "Oh, Sebastian, do you think so little of me? It's quite apparent that you've been grappling with regret since fifth year, and it's manifesting in your behavior. That's why I'm here"

   "Get to the point, Gaunt." Addressing him by his last name was a calculated strike. Knowing his family's history, it was one of the cruelest things I could say, but I didn't care. I wanted to wound him, hoping he'd finally leave me be.

   However, my tactic failed; he brushed off my jab and pressed on with his lecture.

   You have no one to blame but yourself, Sallow," he sneered, emphasizing my last name with a mocking tone.

   "You delved into the dark arts, killed your uncle, pushed Anne away, pushed me away, and most importantly, YOU pushed M/C away... it's all your doing. Don't expect any sympathy from me; we're far beyond that now. Unlike M/C, you seem content to wallow in self-pity and regret."

   I clenched my fists, knuckles turning white. "You have no idea what I'm going through, Ominis. Stop pretending like you do!"

   Ominis met my glare evenly, his voice measured. "Sebastian, I've known you for too long. I've seen you at your best and worst. Don't think for a moment you can hide this from me."

   My jaw tightened, my words dripping with bitterness. "You're blind, Ominis. You can't see anything."

   A faint smile tugged at the corners of Ominis's lips as hid head dropped and shook it. "Blindness hasn't hindered my ability to read people, especially not you."

   "You don't know anything about me!" my voice cracked, betraying the turmoil within.

   Ominis's gaze remained steady, unwavering. "I know more than you think, my friend. I know you're hurting, and I know you're pushing everyone away, especially M/C."

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