Radiant Rebirth

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October 13th

   'Last class...last class' I thought as I made my way to my favorite elective, Alchemy. It had been a little over a week since I woke up in the hospital wing and I was looking forward to getting through this last lesson, so I didn't have to deal with the stares anymore. I was exhausted from the gossip of what happened to me and was looking forward to getting out of the castle. My friends had done their best to mediate the situation for me, but I could still feel the eyes of the entire student body on me and the whispers as I walked by.

"How is she allowed to be here?"

"She isn't safe to be around."

"I wonder what really happened during her fifth year..."

   It hurt to think that people were afraid of me as if I was some kind of monster. I'd rather deal with the whispers over the looks. It wasn't fear, it was pity. Even my friends' eyes were laced with sadness and worry for me, especially Sebastian. Even though I knew I needed them I would often retreat into my room of requirement. I could find solace and peace within the vivariums among my beasts. They were none the wiser to who I was and what my power is. I think my friends got the hint or at least gave me some space as they never came looking for me. I know it was hard for them, actually no they definitely understood...it was hard for Sebastian.

   I made my way down the stairs and into the dungeons to my class. It was insane to me that one of my favorite classes was located right near the entrance of the hidden map chamber. Where I obliterated Ranrok, where I almost died...where Fig...

   I could never even think that I would be able to come back down here let alone enjoy a class. I was looking forward to this lesson because there were only five other students and the work was melodic and second nature to me so, I could escape my thoughts as well. In order to take Alchemy, you had to receive an outstanding on Potions, Transfiguration and Astronomy and you needed a letter of recommendation from your teachers as well as approval from the headmaster.

   I walked in and found my seat. I immediately started to unpack my supplies as this class was tedious and fast paced. Most of the students were unknown to me except Natty. Since she attended Uagadou, which taught Alchemy as a regular class, she was allowed to take the class.

   "Hello my friend. Ready to learn about the elements today? I have been looking forward to this class all week!"

   I nodded, "Seriously. There's something fascinating about the idea of turning ordinary metals into gold or finding the elixir of life. It's like being a mad scientist, but with a bit more elegance, like stepping into a page from a fantasy novel."

   Natty chuckled, "M/C, you live in a world of magic with wizards, witches, dragons and so much more. Our regular life is a fantasy novel."

   "Very true, I can't even imagine being a muggle." I shook my head in pity.

   "We can always thank Merlin for that." Natty said as we laughed together.

   I can't believe it was just a little over a few years ago I finally got my letter to Hogwarts. Thinking back, I started to get a little choked up, being my birthday and all. You'd think I'd be used to being in the spotlight after everything I did as a new fifth year—using rare magic and saving the wizarding world from goblins. But honestly, I hated all the attention. I grew up in an orphanage, never knowing my real family. All I have is this locked box that's like a puzzle I can't solve. I've made up stories in my head, but I still don't have any answers. And every year, the questions just pile up. Even with all the praise and friends around me, I sometimes still feel empty inside, like something is missing. I wish I could just escape from it all, especially on my birthday. It's like a reminder of everything I don't know and can't change.

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