Fire & Ice

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"When something explosive is kept hidden away, a tension builds within that must ultimately be released"

-Orhan Pamuk-

   I looked out the balcony of the castle as the September air changed to the colder October air. It had been a few weeks full of classes and it went by too fast. Ever since my party things have been really hot and cold with Sebastian. It was like neither of us knew how to be friends anymore. We would have moments of intensity and fun flirting but then we'd go days without speaking or looking at one another. This back and forth was driving me crazy. How is it that we spent the whole year together without any problems and now we couldn't seem to just be normal around each other. I thought back to that kiss at my party. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help myself. His scent and touch was just so....

   "M/C?" a soft voice said behind me.

    "Ominis, Everything all right?"

   "I think I should be asking you that, I can hear your heart beating out of your chest," he said walking up next to me. It amazed me but also terrified me how much Ominis could pick up on.

   "Oh it's nothing...I was just..." he cut me off knowing I was about to lie to him.

   "M/C don't lie to me, I know exactly what you're thinking about. If you want me to jinx him just let me know"

   I scoffed, "No Ominis, that won't be necessary. He hasn't done anything wrong, it's just that we don't seem to know how to be friends anymore. We can't seem to find consistency or repetitive rapport with one another. Has he spoken to you about it?" I looked eagerly at him hoping for some kind of answer.

   Ominis looked at me with an empathetic face, "Look M/C you are my best friend but Sebastian and I are rebuilding our friendship. I will keep your secrets safe as well as his."

   "I completely understand your position and I'm glad you're getting close with him again. I know I wasn't the only one missing him." We turned to look over at the black lake and I placed my head on his shoulder. "Ominis I'm so happy you're my best friend. After everything we've been through, my fifth and sixth year...I couldn't have survived without you."

   Ominis put his arm around me and his head rested on mine. "It has been one of my greatest gifts in my life, your friendship, your trust, I will treasure it forever, my darling..." Ominis said softly.

   "Ahem!" A sharp voice said.

   Ominis and I turned around as I met the eyes of one Sebastian Sallow. He didn't even meet my eyes. His face was rigid and his jaw was clenched. He had his quidditch uniform on. 

   "Oh shit!" I thought. I forgot Imelda wanted me to go see the tryouts.

   "Sorry to interrupt such a precious moment..." he sneered, "...but Ominis, you said you'd want to go to the tryouts?"

   "Ah, yes Sebastian...let's head there now," he responded.

   I decided that whatever was wrong with Sebastian I didn't care. My magic seemed to rise within me as I decided to be a little petty at this moment.

   "Ah! I shall go with you! Imelda wanted me to come watch and I can help Ominis as well!" I said running to catch up as I linked my arm into Ominis's. I decided to ignore Sebastian and talk to Ominis instead. I glanced over at Sebastian, his grip was tight around his broom and his eyes were narrowed and determined to look forward. 

   I talked to Ominis the whole way. We conversed like we always do adding in our inside jokes and laughing all the way to the stadium. My thoughts of being petty with Sebastian disappeared as my whole focus was on Ominis. He really had this comforting aura that made me forget any worries I was having.

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