The First of September

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   "Click" I opened my trunk one more time to make sure everything was all packed and ready. I gently traced the intricate patterns of the emerald patch, the threads cool and slightly raised beneath my fingertips. A fond smile graced my lips, a silent tribute to the pride I held in wearing this robe, each stitch a testament to the legacy it represented. I loved being a Slytherin, because it was so unique to who I am. I remembered my sorting ceremony, how the sorting hat asked me questions about what my intentions were and what I was most excited about doing at Hogwarts. While my answers leaned towards Hufflepuff, Slytherin was always my true choice. The sorting hat acknowledged my compatibility with Hufflepuff, but my unwavering determination for Slytherin ultimately placed me there. I felt a surge of elation coursing through me as Professor Wesley gracefully swished her wand, coaxing a magnificent transformation from my robes. The once subdued fabric burst forth in a lush, enchanting shade of emerald, a hue that seemed to shimmer with its own inner magic.

  With my trunk securely shut, I turned to gaze out of the window of my London flat, where rain was tapping insistently against the glass. The city outside wore a different charm in September; the streets glistened with the remnants of recent rain, reflecting the soft glow of lamplight's that peppered the cobblestones. A hazy mist enveloped the distant skyline, blurring the outlines of grand Victorian buildings and lending an air of mystery to the developing urban landscape. The air held a familiar scent, a blend of damp earth and the promise of colder days to come. People bustled along the sidewalks, wrapped in coats and clutching umbrellas, their faces animated by the energy of a city that never slept. From this vantage point, London felt alive, pulsing with history, ambition, and an ever-present sense of possibility. Having increased my time at the Ministry over the summer, it made sense to spend my days in London. Professor Sharp, hailing from a wealthy family, graciously offered his flat for my summer stay. I was honored and beyond excited to live in London. It truly was a dream come true.

   A soft smile adorned my lips as I gently cradled the enigmatic leather box in the depths of my trunk. In my earliest memories, I was raised in an orphanage, and it was there that the small leather box was left with me on the very steps of the church that had unfortunately become my home until Hogwarts. Despite my efforts, it stubbornly refused to open, its secrets tightly guarded. The box was sealed off and accompanied by a letter that instructed me not to open the chest until my eighteenth birthday, which was just around the corner. It wasn't until my sixth year at Hogwarts, when I brought it to Professor Ronan's attention, that it was revealed to be enchanted, destined to remain sealed until then. I smiled, turned around to look out the front window. As my thoughts danced with anticipation, a growing excitement pulsed within me, weaving daydreams of the adventures and revelations the coming year held in store.

   I was immediately jolted out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. I rushed to the door, swinging it open and throwing myself into the arms of the man before me. His name was Andrew Parkinson. We had met during the summer while working at the Ministry. Like Ominis, he came from a very powerful wizarding family that took pride in their pure-blood status.

   Thankfully, Andrew held values starkly different from his family's, to the extent that he made history by becoming the first in generations not to be sorted into Slytherin, but rather into Gryffindor. Although we had known each other in our sixth year, it was during the summer that we truly grew close and found ourselves drawn romantically to one another. While we hadn't officially labeled our relationship, I cherished our time together, reveling in the joy of dating him and simply being in his company.

   My friends were genuinely happy for me, including Ominis, who I saw as a brother. Sharing my involvement with Andrew, given his background, was a decision I approached with some apprehension. However, Ominis' considerate response to my owl put my mind at ease. He not only respected Andrew but also saw us as a compatible match. It was a relief that none of them brought up any previous crushes I might have had; they understood the significance of this new chapter

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