A True Slytherin

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"Kill the snake of doubt in your soul, crush the worms of fear in your heart & mountains will move out of your way."

-Kate Seredy-

After making my way back to the castle I had to quickly get changed and meet Poppy. I only spent a few moments in my room and had to promptly get outside. It was a bit colder today so I grabbed my scarf and heavier robes. I approached her with excitement and trepidation.

"Good morning Poppy," I said as a chill went through me. "A bit early and cold this morning, don't you think?"

"Trust me M/C it'll be worth it! Follow me this way." She grabbed my hand and we started to make our way towards the beast's classroom. "Just up here, I think you're going to love this." We finally stopped on the hill above the pens by the cottage. I will always remember this moment like a picture in my head, bright and colorful. The ground was covered with leaves in fiery reds, oranges, and yellows, making the forest look like a beautiful painting. The air was chilly and smelled of soil and plants, filling my lungs every time I breathed in. I stood in this quiet, colorful place and Poppy pursed her lips and a loud whistle whipped through the air, her voice mixing with the sounds of nature. Then, over the hill, a shape appeared. At first, it was just a dark outline in the scattered light, but then it became clear.This horse was unlike any I had ever seen. His fur was the darkest black, soaking up all the light, which made his eyes shine bright like stars. His long hair was wild and black, just like the tree branches overhead.

 His long hair was wild and black, just like the tree branches overhead

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He moved towards me in a kind and gentle way, his eyes soft. He was powerful, with muscles moving smoothly under his skin, but he moved with a calmness that matched the quiet rustling of the leaves. When he got close, he gently touched my hand with his nose, his warm breath on my skin. Right away, I felt a special bond, a silent understanding between us. I trusted him and felt honored.

"Poppy..." I was speechless. Was she actually giving me a horse? "Where did you find him?"

"Well, Gran and I found him near a poacher camp a little while ago. One of the poachers was using him, for what reason we don't know. Unfortunately, the camp was abandoned and so was he. Gran had no use or space for him so Professor Weasley said we could keep him in the stables here."

"He's beautiful." I still barely had any words.

"I remember when you were in the muggle world you told me your dream was to one day have a horse. Since you have the 'nab sack' and the room here I think you two would be a perfect fit."

I continued to pet him. "What's his name?"

"We don't know, but I think he needs a fresh start, name him anything you like."

At that moment I decided to name him 'Tiago,' a name full of beauty and strength. "I shall name him Tiago. I think it's very fitting."

Poppy petted him and handed me his reins, "I love it. What does it mean?"

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