The Morning After*

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   As a seventh year and the acclaimed 'Hero of Hogwarts,' I enjoyed certain privileges. The professors and staff entrusted me with more responsibilities and granted me access to areas off-limits to others. On this particular occasion, I found myself in the Restricted Section. Mrs. Scribner had requested my assistance in shelving some books. It struck me as amusing how, in my fifth year, I used to sneak into this very section, whereas now, as a responsible seventh year, I held a legitimate key to its gates. I moved methodically from aisle to aisle, carefully placing each book back in its rightful place.

   As I leaned up to put a book on a higher shelf, I was suddenly grabbed by the waist and spun around, my back pressed firmly against the shelf. I gasped, struggling to focus on the freckled face and those honey-colored eyes that bore into mine.

   "S-S-Sebastian...what are you doing?" I said nervously.

   "I'm doing what I have wanted to do since we met in our fifth year" he said in a low raspy voice.

   Before I could respond he latched on to my neck and kissed me deeply as he pushed his body between my legs and propped me up on a table in the corner. I rolled my head back and my eyes closed, giving in to his touch. I let out a small moan before I finally had some logic run into my mind.

   "Sebastian, please, we can't do this..."

   He stopped and looked at me, inches from my face.

   "You want me to stop? You want me to stop kissing you? Stop tasting you?"

   I couldn't respond.

   "Tell me M/C..." he placed his thumb on my lips gently and traced them seductively, "I want to hear it from your pretty...full, and sexy lips...say it M/C, do you want me to stop?"

   Again, I couldn't form words.

   "That's what I thought" then his lips went crashing into mine. I had to lean heavily into my arms which were stretched out behind me to brace myself from his deep and hungry kisses. I kept my weight on one arm, while the other moved through his soft curly hair. His kisses were something I had never experienced. They were deep, soft and I felt something in my chest I had never felt before.

   "You're all mine M/C" he said in between kisses.

   I groaned. My mind was focused on his words. I was all his. Our tongues danced together. I had never felt this before. When he kissed me it felt right, like this is what was always meant to be.

   He pulled back, cupping my face with his left hand, looking into my eyes he asked "Say it, M/C, say that you're mine..."

   I breathlessly submitted, "I'm all yours Sebastian, I always have been." I knew it was true. I denied it to myself for so long. Sebastian Sallow had my heart.

   I then noticed his other hand slowly moving up my leg. His hand inched closer and closer up my thighs. I felt the heat and pressure building between my legs when he finally...


   "Ow!" I said as I realized Imelda had hit me in the face with her pillow.

   "Sorry to interrupt...your dream..." she said in a mocking tone. "It sounded like a fun time. Dreaming of Andrew, huh?"

   As the world around me snapped back into focus, a deep embarrassment settled in. I could feel my cheeks warm, grateful that I hadn't revealed too much to her.

   "Well...sleepy head, it's time to get up, time for breakfast and first day of classes!!" She exclaimed as she grabbed her clothes and headed to the bathroom.

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