A Sky Full of Stars***

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The Moon is the first milestone on the road to the stars." - Arthur C. Clarke

[Disclaimer: This chapter contains Mature Content. All characters are above age. If you wish to skip the spicy part scroll past the italic section!]

Monday September 24th

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and in pure bliss. Finally, after years Sebastian Sallow was all mine. I pulled my blankets off me and jumped out of bed. I wanted to get ready as quick as possible because I was just so excited to see him.

I realized after I had showered and worked hard to look my best that there was a massive flaw in my plan. It wasn't even nine in the morning yet. Chances are he was probably still sleeping.

My thoughts were confirmed when I made my way down to the common room and he was no where to be found. I walked over to the couch where I found Ominis reading a book.

Before I even sat down or said 'hello' Ominis spoke without looking up from his book.

"He's still asleep."

"Good morning to you too Ominis."

He closed his book as I finally sat down.

"Actually, Ominis I was hoping to speak to you about something?"

"Oh?" He looked at me inquisitively.

"I know you like to keep your personal life...well...personal. But I wanted to talk to you about something sensitive."

I wanted to bring up Poppy but as close as Ominis and I had become I knew this was a sensitive issue.

"I presume since you are no longer confused about your feelings about Sebastian it's my turn for the third degree."

"No, Ominis. I mean no harm. You know me better than that..."

Ominis sighed and put his book on the table.

"My apologies, M/C. I suppose you might have noticed my feelings for a certain Hufflepuff."

"Of course, Ominis. I have for a while. Do you think you'll act on them?"

"Hm...it is difficult. Firstly, you know my family and their reputation. I presume they'll find a pure blood witch for me to marry at the end of this year. They'll arrange a betrothal despite my wishes. Then, I would have no idea how to even approach her. I don't have much experience speaking to women I fancy."

"Have you ever been in love?"

"Yes...once. But she left my life long ago and I never revealed my feelings because the dynamics of the relationships were too...complicated...to say the least."

"Ominis? Are you talking about Anne?"

"Please don't mention it to Sebastian. After Anne left us two years ago, we haven't heard from her since. She left and bringing this to light will do nothing but cause him pain."

I gulped. Anne Sallow was one topic I wished to never speak about...to anyone.

"I understand Ominis. Don't worry your secret is safe with me. In regards to Poppy I think it would be best to live for yourself. You have already stood up to your family. Why follow their wishes now?"

"That's true..." he responded.

"Ominis I know it seems daunting to approach someone you like. Trust me I know how scary it can be. Start with small gestures like more conversations, initiate physical touch. She will be receptive."

"Perhaps you're right, M/C. I could try and make some effort..."

"Oh Ominis!" Sebastian interrupted, "I'm sorry to break it to you, but no amount of effort will work on me. I'm spoken for." Sebastian plopped down between us. It was very subtle, but I can tell when Ominis's guard went back up. Ominis stood up and sat in the large green arm chair opposite of the couch that Sebastian and I were on. Sebastian was glowing as he put his arm around me and kissed my right temple.

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