Here Comes the Sun***

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"The sun at home warms better than the sun elsewhere."

-Albanian Proverb-

[Disclaimer: This chapter contains Mature Content. That means...DO NOT READ AT WORK!! All characters are above age. If you wish to skip the spicy part scroll past the first italic section]

Thursday, September 27th

As September came to a close it felt like the homework was picking up. I had aced my O.W.L.S. during my sixth year and because of that most of my classes we advanced. I was in the library with Poppy working on a 15-page parchment I had due on Evanesco or the "vanishing spell" for Advanced Transfiguration. Professor Weasley's advanced class was very competitive and only a handful of students per year were selected to take this class. It had started to get late, and Poppy wanted to head back to her dorm before curfew. Luckily, I had the keys to the library, so it wasn't uncommon for me to be out later than most.

In the hushed sanctum of the Hogwarts Library, I found solace within the towering shelves and ancient tomes. As night descends upon the castle, I loved to seek refuge here, drawn by the promise of knowledge and the serenity that permeates the air. Finally, alone at my chosen table, I immersed myself in the gentle cadence of pages turning. The soft fluttering sound created a tranquil melody, soothing my weary mind and guiding my thoughts into the realm of study. Each rustle is like a whisper from the past, a reminder of the countless stories waiting to be unearthed within these walls. The dim glow of torchlight casts elongated shadows across the rows of books, creating a tapestry of light and darkness that dances around me. Above, the night sky peered through the arched windows, its stars twinkling like distant beacons of inspiration.

In the quiet embrace of the Hogwarts Library, my focus begins to wane as the weariness of the night takes hold. Despite my efforts to remain vigilant, sleep begins to creep in, its gentle tendrils beckoning me toward the realm of dreams.

Just as my eyelids grow heavy and my thoughts drift into a haze, I am startled awake by the unexpected sensation of a muscular arm draping around my shoulders. My heart skips a beat as I turn to find the source of the intrusion, only to be met with the warm gaze of my favorite Slytherin.

"Sorry to startle you darling," he murmurs softly, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I couldn't help but notice you studying alone. Mind if I join you?"

"Are you actually planning on studying with me?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Sebastian responded with a cocky grin.

"Because you have no books and you're always up to no good."

"Very good observation...I'll give you another observation. We are alone and you have the keys to the restricted section. Am I right?" he said.

My shoulders slumped over, "I thought we were done with the dark arts?"

Sebastian smiled, "That's not what I had in mind of doing down there..."

"Oh?" I looked up to meet his gaze. "What do you plan to do down there?"


In one swift, dramatic move, he shot up from his chair, the loud screech filling the library's serene atmosphere. Without hesitation, he pulled me close, his hands firm on my waist as he swiftly positioned me onto the table and pushing my books and parchments to the side.

"Sebastian..." I gasped, surprised by his sudden boldness as he maneuvered between my legs, his lips eagerly trailing along my neck.

Blushing furiously, I couldn't shake the memory of my semester-start dream, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation as his presence enveloped me.

Someone To You |  Sebastian SallowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin