And Just Like That...

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Sebastian POV

   As I stood there in the hot shower, my mind was racing. The scalding pressure of water cascading down, enveloping me in their searing embrace. Each drop feels like a small inferno, seeping into my aching muscles, unraveling the knots of tension that Quidditch and this long day had woven throughout my body. With each passing moment, the steamy environment tries to wash away the echoes of the match, the roars of the crowd, and M/C. Yet, as the water runs down my back, my thoughts cling stubbornly, like shadows refusing to fade. I close my eyes, willing the day to dissolve in the relentless onslaught of the shower, but the memories hold their ground. The missed catches, the fumbled plays, they replay themselves relentlessly in my mind.

   Today's match, M/C's performance was nothing short of extraordinary. She was able to weave and dodge through any obstacles in her way. Once she saw that snitch she became almost animalistic and nothing would stop her. At first I was so proud but that was until the snitch decided to head straight for the clouds. Up she went with no worry in the world. She climbed higher and higher that it was so hard for me to focus on doing my job. I finally refocused myself and was able to score 10 points. Before I could enjoy the moment I heard people gasp looking up. There she was plummeting down towards the grown at top speeds. A ringing in my ear started to grow as I started to panic.

   'Pull up! Pull up! Pull the fuck up M/C!' I thought. Every second she was getting closer and closer to hitting the field at high speeds. There was no way I could help her, I was completely helpless. Was she doing this on purpose? Does she have a death sentence? It's like the whole stadium was quiet and it felt like the game was secondary as everyone was looking at her.

   Two couldn't be more than two feet when she used her entire weight to force the broom up. That wasn't skill...that was pure luck. Before I could even take a breath she launches herself off her broom and rolls hard on the ground for a while. There she laid very still on the field. I zoomed down to the ground and was about to make my way over when I see her getting up, snitch in hand.

   I could feel the eruption of energy explode as the announcer calls the game. I was stuck there holding my broom staring at her. She was then lifted up by our team and I had had enough. Does she not realize how close she came to breaking bones? For a game? I was livid.

   I turned the shower off and got changed in casual clothes. I'm sure the party was in full swing but I was looking forward to gathering my thoughts, relaxing and losing myself in a book. 'I'm sure the Hero of Hogwarts was too busy having fun to even notice I wasn't there.' I thought.

   I walked straight into my room not wanting to talk to anyone and as soon as I opened the door I was shocked to see her. I couldn't help but admire her. It was frightening how small but powerful she was. Then my heart dropped realizing that she had found her letters. Those letters. The letters he had sent me, the ones I didn't respond to. My train of thought was interrupted by her turning to face me.

   She had been surprised about the letters but I had a suspicion that she was upset. As I put the letters away I took a breath because I could just tell the yelling was about to start.

   I probably should have been sensitive but she stirs up something in me. Watching her yelling at me it was hard to give her the real reason I was upset. I was in love with her and when she over extends herself I get a knot in my stomach. Of course I would fall in love with her but it's hard that she is always in some sort of danger. I was hoping for less danger after our fifth year now that we're in a good place but she always seems to find it. She has to help everyone, she just has to be a hero. It'd be nice if just for once she thought rationally. Of course she called me dramatic, which was hysterical. My dramatics? Seriously?

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