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Y/N:"The water is nice..."

After their battle with the enemy forces Nero invited everyone to warm Roman baths. Gudako requested for everyone to have separate baths so she can have some privacy. Though Mash made sure that didn't happen for her safety. Something Nero also agreed upon from the market incident. He was in the golden pool soaking in the warm water waiting on Mordred.

Y/N:"She always likes warm baths after constant battles."

Nero:"umu! A woman of taste then!"

Y/N knew better, but turned his head to see a naked Nero standing over him with her trademark smile. Her eyes wasting no time in studying the male.

Nero:"Umu, umu. Your body is well fit. Barely any noctiable scars cover it."

Y/N:"And your body is lovely too. You take great care in it."

Nero:"Well of course! As The Emperor of Rome I must always look my best!"

Mordred:"No need to scream about."

Mordred walks past Nero and quickly snuggles up to Y/N with a sigh. Nero sees the many scars on Mordred's back.

Mordred:"This water is nice..."

Nero slowly gets in with a sigh and looks at the two from the other side. She could tell that both were veteran soldiers by the way the "rested" while keeping an eye open. While her sudden obsession with the male is concerning she meant nothing bad from it. Though...

Nero:'He does have a nice body.'

Nero holding a hand over her mouth to muffle her giggling while ogling him didn't help her. Mordred sends Nero a glare and was ready to summon her weapon, but Y/N kept her hand down.

Y/N:"Calm girl. We have other issues to fix."

Mordred:"You know how I feel when women check you out."

Mordred can be protective when in competition with...

Mordred:'A child size adult with bigger boobs than me...'

Her eyes were becoming dangerously dark as Nero began to try and show them off.

Y/N:"So what do you think of our leader, Your Highness?"

Nero:"Please, just call me Nero. But to answer your question I dare say she is rather lacking in some qualities."

Y/N:*chuckles* "She is still rather new. But if you let that brain work she can come up with a plan."

Nero nods her head in understanding as she began to bath. Mordred tells Y/N to help her bath as she sat in his lap. The rest of the night was Mordred using Y/N as a body pillow as she slept. When day came Roman and Gudako asked to leave the capital yo head to the leyline on a volcano named Mount Etna. Their journey has so far been quiet as Fou made noise as they got closer.

Fou:Fou! Fooouuu!

Roman:"We arrived more easily than expected. Isn't this a region vital to the United Empire."

Mash:"Wait Doctor, it looks like something's already swarming around the leyline! You jinxed us!"

Roman:"It's not fault! Maybe it was bad timing!?"

Mordred:"Ask yourself if that is truly true. Because when I get there I'm gonna beat you!"

Roman:"Eeekkk!! The computer is burning!"

Gudako:"A-Are those ghosts?"

Mash:"It must be a good leyline to attract them!"

Gudako:"E-E-Eliminate them, and secure the line!"

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