The Wyverns are Coming!

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The group was now inside the Observation Room with Roman explaining their mission it was coming to an end as he told them of the location.

Roman:"You're going to France during the 100 Year War. To even be more excat it'll be three days after Jeanne d'Arc's death."

Da Vinci:"Your mission is to find the Holy Grail like in Fuyuki and a Ley Line."

Gudako:"What's a Ley Line?"

Roman:"It's a spot with the most magical energy in the area. Think of it like a blood vein. Once you find one form a connection and we'll send supplies along with the ability to summon Servants."

Da Vinci:"The more you find along your journey the more you can summon. Though beware that some Ley Lines can only support one summoning."

Roman:"You can also summon Servants here, but due to your short time here. Though I wonder what kind of Servant would come here?"


Roman:"Huh? R-Right, getting slightly off track. Once you are ready get into the Coffin and we'll send you in."

So Mash and Gudako get in and wait to be sent to France. Y/N went into his Spirit Form and waited to go with them. A blue tunnel was all the master saw before a open field.

Gudako:"Where... Where are we?"

Mash:"Seems to be an open field, Senpai.... The date is 1431. We're in the middle of the Hundred Year War during its respite period."

Y/N:"Which means less chance of fighting the locals... Then again, this is a Singularity, so anything is possible."

Mash:"Will things be okay for you then? I mean you are British."

Fou:"Fou! Fooou!"

Mash:"Fou! What did I say about hiding in my chest?"

Y/N:"Hm. Seems to be his favorite spot."

Gudako looks up as Mash talks to Fou and widen her eyes. A ring seemed to be in the atmosphere.

Gudako:"Guy's, what is that?"

The two look up and Mash widened her eyes too. Y/N squinted his for he knew what that was.

Roman:"Hey! Can you hear me?"

Mash:"Doctor, can you explain this?"

Roman:"Explain what?"

Mash gave him visuals of the sky to which he was shocked.

Roman:"A ring of light? No. A form of magecraft? Whatever it is it's as big as North America. No records show such a event happening in 1431. We'll need to analyze this more on our end."

Y/N:"While they do that we should look for a Ley Line."

Mash:"Good idea, Mr. Y/N. That way we can get supplies and hopefully a new ally."

Gudako:"Then let's move out!"

So they began their mission for a Ley Line. They made small talk along the way until Mash saw a patrol nearby.

Mash:"Look, Senpai, some french soldiers. Maybe they can tell us what's going on."

Gudako:"Makes sense. If anyone would notice anything weird it would be them."

Y/N:'Hmmm. They seem tense and scared of something.'

They walk up to the soldiers in hopes of answers, but instead they were greeted by weapons.

Soldier 1:"An attack! Get ready!"

Y/N:"Surely you jest?"

Soldier 2:"One of them is British!"

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