Chapter 34: Bad Moon Rising Part 2

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[A/N: Part 2/2] 

Song of the chapter: Bad Moon Rising by Creedence Clearwater Revival 


Anna is freaking out. Castiel just disappeared somewhere after trying to follow one of the reapers. They couldn't find him anywhere. Where had he gone? She was sure it wasn't voluntarily; someone had snatched him which made Anna worried. If it was Lucifer, she was afraid Castiel wouldn't come out alive. While all of them were prepared to die tonight, Anna didn't want Castiel die before her. She still wanted to tell him how much she... liked him.

The other reason why she was freaking out was that Anna could feel her magic starting to burst out. Her insides were boiling and she could physically feel that the hiding spell she was under was hanging on a thread. It wouldn't take long for it to be fully destroyed and then she would be able to use all of her magic. The problem was that Anna had no idea what would actually happen once the spell was gone. Maybe nothing would happen or then she would hurt someone. She hoped that if the spell destroying itself was going to make her explode with magic while she was in the same place with Lucifer. If she was going to hurt someone let it be someone who actually deserved to get hurt.

"We need to find him!" Anna said frantically as Jo grabbed her arm to calm her down but as soon as she touched her she was sent electric shocks from Anna's body. Anna's eyes widened as the younger woman jumped backwards from her. This had never happened before. Castiel and her brothers had all been fine when touching her but all of a sudden Jo couldn't even touch her arm.

Jo frowned. "What's going on, Anna?"

"Shit," Anna mumbled knowing she would have to tell them the truth. They would find out anyway whenever her magic would come out which she was pretty sure about. She turned to look at Ellen and Jo who were looking at her waiting for her answer.

"There's something you are hiding from us, isn't there?" Ellen commented and crossed her arms on her chest.

Anna sighed. "Yes. This might come as a shock to you but promise me, none of you were as surprised as me when I found out. I'm a witch."

Ellen took a step back and put her arm in front of Jo as if trying to protect her from Anna. The sight hurt Anna although she totally understood the reaction. They were all hunters, they had been taught to kill witches, not trust them. Anna had known the Harvelles longer than Sam and Dean had known them and it must be a surprise that a girl they had known for so long was suddenly a witch. Anna could only hope they could get over it in order to survive this night.

"You are what?" Jo looked at her in disbelief.

"I'm a natural witch and actually, I'm not even Sam and Dean's biological sister," Anna explained. "We haven't known for very long."

Ellen frowned. "So, John never once told you that you weren't really his biological daughter? That bastard keeps giving nasty surprises even after his death!"

Anna smirked knowing that the woman had never been a fan of John Winchester after her husband had basically gotten killed because of him. Hatred towards John had been the thing she had bonded over with Ellen in the first place. That hadn't been the case with Sam and Dean, though. Ellen had not trusted them for so long, especially after the case where they had let Jo get kidnapped. On that day Jo had finally been let into the secret why Ellen didn't like the Winchester boys nor John and the girl had been angry with Dean and Sam for so long, even a bit with Anna too.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Anna muttered. "We don't have time to get into it, but me being a witch doesn't change anything else than just that I have magic now. My biological mother put me under a spell that has been keeping everything hidden until I went to Hell and back. Now the spell is almost fully gone and I have gotten more magic in me."

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