Chapter 9: Highway to Hell

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[A/N: Please put on the song when I have written down the *lyrics* in the chapter!] 

Song of the chapter: Highway to Hell by AC/DC 

The day the siblings had dreaded had now come and Bobby's house was silent. They had all decided to take up the offer when Bobby had invited them to be there when it happened. The old man wanted to be there for Anna, he would miss her more than he dared to admit. He also wanted to be there for the brothers who would both breakdown afterwards. It wasn't going to be easy time for any of them. Losing Anna would be the hardest things they had ever gone through. The siblings were closer to each other than to their parents so it wasn't a wonder that losing one of them would hurt more.

While they had kept themselves busy with cases for the past two months, all of their minds have been on this day. Despite Sam and Dean's effort to get Anna out of the contract, all that effort had been for nothing. Now they were sitting on the couch, Anna's head on Dean's lap and her feet on Sam's lap; they were all silently crying. Anna had been so content with the deal the whole time as her body was in pain and she knew making the deal had saved Sam but now, when the time was here she was so scared. Not because she regretted the decision or the death itself; but the unknown. She had faced so many supernatural beings in her short life that she knew there was an afterlife but she had no idea what kind of afterlife she would have in Hell.

"I want you to move on with your lives," Anna said quietly as Dean was caressing her hair like he used to do when she was younger. She heard a small scoff from both of her brothers, but she was serious. She didn't want them to stay mourning over her for the rest of their lives. They deserved happiness and that had been one of the reasons why she had taken the deal.

"I don't think I want to do that," Sam mumbled and looked her straight into eyes. His eyes were full of sadness and Anna could see tears forming in the corners. He swiped his own hair trying to distract himself but wasn't able to stop the tears falling onto his cheeks.

"You must," she insisted. "I don't want you to try bringing me back either. Please, promise me you guys won't do anything stupid when I'm gone."

Dean scoffed again. "So, you want us just to accept that our sister is gone? Dead?"

Anna nodded. "Like normal people do when their loved ones die."

"But we aren't normal! You aren't normal!"

"Well, in that case you must pretend we are normal." Anna shrugged and sniffed. She wasn't sure how she will get her brothers believe that everything would be fine. They were so stubborn and she didn't trust them not to try do something stupid to get her back. Too many times she had heard either of the boys say how they will do anything to get her back. That would just put them in danger and Anna hadn't made the deal just to put Sam or Dean into a situation where they were going to be next in line.

Dean shook his head. "I'm going to find that god damn crossroad demon and kill her! She could have given you more than two months. You have never done anything wrong; you deserved more time."

Anna didn't say anything to this. She had been angry at the demon too for so long. There had been so many thoughts about going to kill her during these two months but knowing it would probably end badly to her too, she had refrained from doing that. The demon had refused to give her a better deal because of her father and Anna didn't really get it. The yellow-eyed demon had gotten the fucking Colt from that deal, their father hadn't really won anything in making the deal additionally to getting Dean back to life. How was that so good deal that it took the chance of getting a fair deal for his children? Their father had died in matter of minutes after making the deal, not months or years. To Anna, that didn't sound like the great deal the crossroad demon had been talking about. With time, she had learned to not be angry at the demon. It had been her own choice to make a deal and the unfortunate thing about making a deal with a demon was that it usually happened in the terms of the demon and not the human.

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