Chapter 7: Dream On

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[A/N: Another reminder that this story doesn't fully follow the details of the actual happenings in the series.] 

Song of the chapter: Dream On by Aerosmith

Sam noticed Jake as soon as the siblings and Bobby entered the graveyard. They all recognized the bastard who had stabbed Sam and images of revenge started to form in Anna and Dean's heads. He had killed their brother and he would suffer for it. There was no way they were going to let him just go.

Jake's face was almost disturbed as they approached him and his eyes locked onto Sam. It was as if he had seen a ghost or a zombie. Anna wanted to smirk as they walked up to him but was able to stop herself. She would get her revenge, she knew that. This man would suffer for everything he had done to her family. It was because of him she had had to make the deal with the demon. Solely because this man had wanted to be the "best" and lead the stupid demon army.

"You can't be here," Jake mumbled. "You are dead."

Sam tilted his face and smirked. "Am I?"

"But... But I killed you," the man said in disbelief. He had probably never heard of selling one's soul to a demon in exchange of something they wanted. "I stabbed you to the spine, there's no way you survived that."

"Maybe next time you should do a better job," Sam commented walking closer to the guy. No one wanted to have revenge more than him. This guy had killed him and Sam wasn't going to let him get away with it.

Anna's eyes caught the Colt in Jake's hand. He was holding it tightly and she was trying to think of how she would get it from his hands. They couldn't let him open the gates. The cemetery was protected by a Devil's Trap that Samuel Colt had built. The gun was the only thing that could open the Hell Gate and it must be done by a human as thanks to the Devil's Trap, no demons could step into the area. Opening the gate would mean the trap would weaken and demons would be able to enter the area.

Unfortunately, Jake suddenly noticed Anna glancing at the gun in his hand and he smirked. He waved it around in the air as if trying to tease them. Angry stares were directed at him as he stepped closer to the big stone-made wall behind him. It looked ancient and it was probably the gate. In the middle of the wall, there was a large circle and a hole in the middle. That was where the Colt was supposedly meant to be put in order to open the door the Hell. It gave Anna goosebumps to only think about the consequences of it getting opened.

"Looking for this?" Jake laughed and before anybody could do anything, he had already pushed the Colt inside the wall and started to mumble the rituals he had probably learned from the yellow-eyed demon. As he turned his back on them, Sam quickly took his gun from the ground where Jake had made them to lower them and shot the man in the back multiple times.

His siblings witnessed this in horror as Jake fell on the ground but even seeing their brother being so brutal they were happy that he was dead. He had killed their brother, opened the gates to Hell, he deserved to die. They didn't really feel bad for him, they were just horrified how easily Sam – who was always hesitant when killing people – had shot him without thinking twice.

Killing Jake didn't stop the gates being opened. The lock had started to go around and around and soon they were all thrown on the ground from the explosion that the door being opened caused. Anna covered her eyes with her arms as a bright white light came from the wall and soon they witnessed what seemed like black smoke coming out of the gate – demons. It was terrifying to watch knowing that they would have to be the ones fighting against those.

Ellen and Bobby rushed to the door, pushing it with all their power to get it closed but it wasn't so easy. The siblings were coming to help them but were disrupted when the yellow-eyed demon finally appeared in front of them. He was smiling a smug smile that told that everything was going how he had planned. He tilted his head as he watched the helpless tries of the adults to get the gate closed.

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