Chapter 31: Tell it to my heart

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[A/N: This chapter includes sexual content so, I have marked the start and end with '♣♣♣' in case you want to skip the part!]

Song of the chapter: Tell It To My Heart by Taylor Dayne 

Anna was standing in front of her motel room anxiously. She was waiting for Castiel who had contacted her when she had been driving there. She had been too tired to meet him that night as the time was already late so she had said she would see him next day. Her emotions were still running quite high as a result from telling Sam the truth about herself. Still not believing how well Sam had taken the news, Anna was nervous that he would take it all back. What if he was going to soon text her that he never wanted to see her again? Sam had promised to tell Dean that Anna was a witch which had seemed like a good idea at the moment but now she regretted asking him to do that. It wasn't fair to Sam. Dean would be absolutely mad when he'd find out the truth. If it wasn't going to be Sam, it was going to be Dean who would text Anna that if he saw her again he would kill her.

Fidgeting with her fingers, Anna suddenly noticed Castiel standing 60 feet away from her. She tilted her head in confusion as why the angel was so far from her. Not seeing any signs of him coming closer, Anna decided to go to him. There was something different about the man; he looked nervous...? Anna couldn't come up with a reason why he would be nervous when coming to see her.

"Castiel, hey, why are you just standing there?" she laughed as she reached him.

The angel acted awkwardly. "I wasn't sure if I should have come at all."

"What? It was you who texted me, remember?" Anna chuckled. "I thought you had something to tell me?"

Now Castiel started to walk towards the motel room saying that they shouldn't do this outside. Anna was very confused but followed the man and let him in her room. The angel looked around the room and just stood in the middle of the room like a stick character. He was always socially awkward but this time Anna found his behaviour very strange. What was it what he wanted to say to her? She sat down on her bed.

"The world is ending," Castiel said after a long pause. Anna nodded in understanding. Having Lucifer roam on the Earth couldn't mean nothing else. The apocalypse was the inevitable road to the end of the world. Everything was going catastrophically and soon they would be all dead. "I almost died tonight."

Anna's eyes widened. She had given it a thought while driving away from Sam's motel. While her role in the apocalypse for now wasn't very big, she knew she should be fighting on her brothers side. She hadn't known for long that she was a witch and she definitely didn't have that much powers, but maybe she could be of help. At least then her newly found abilities would be of help to them. She was sad that she wouldn't be able to better her skills before the possible death, though. She didn't have enough time to go through all of her mother's grimoire and learn the stuff in it.

"Dean said that no one should die..." Castiel said awkwardly. "...a virgin."

Anna covered her mouth so she wouldn't laugh when the man clearly was serious about this. It wasn't a surprise to her that her brother had said something like that. You'd think he was sex deprived considering the way he acted even though he got women to go home with him every time he tried. Of course, he would give Castiel advice to sleep with someone before they died. Honestly, Anna was more surprised that Castiel seemed to refer to him being a virgin. Yes, he was an angel and all, but gosh, look at him! How could he be a virgin?

"Yeah, that's Dean for you," Anna laughed but it didn't seem to help Castiel's predicament.

"He took me to see a hooker," he admitted and now Anna's mouth dropped open.

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