Chapter 13: Just A Girl

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[A/N: What you should expect from this chapter: confusion and drinking] 

Song of the chapter: Just A Girl by No Doubt 

"Who the fuck are you?" Anna heard Dean ask whoever had entered the room. She forced her eyes open and saw a strange man standing in the middle of the room. Where had he come from? She hadn't heard anyone opening the door so this man must have appeared out of nowhere.

The man didn't say anything but walked to Anna whose eyes widened. Dean tried to pull him back shouting threats into the air which the stranger ignored. Anna closed her eyes as his hand approached her face. This was it; she was going back to Hell. This all had been just an evil trick on her, making her believe she was back alive and could see her brothers again. No, now they were going to pull her out of the whatever trance they had put her under. She would see Hell in front of her when she would open her eyes next time.

But nothing happened.

The stranger wearing weird clothes only put his hand on Anna's forehead and soon the pain was gone. Her heartbeat was finally back to normal and she felt fine again. In confusion, she opened her eyes that met the soft eyes of the stranger. Who was he and how had he been able to do that? Slowly, Anna sat up on the couch just to see both of her brothers pointing a gun at the stranger. They glanced at Anna furrowing their brows. She was clearly fine now.

"How... how did you do that?" Anna asked the stranger. She couldn't believe her heart wasn't beating unnaturally fast anymore. She even touched her chest and it didn't send electric shocks to it any longer.

"It's only temporary," the man muttered. "Your soul is broken, it's dying. I can't heal it for good, I can only make it better for a while."

Anna listened to the man in confusion. Nothing he had just said made sense to her. According to him, her soul was almost dead. What did that mean and how did he know? What was he? How could Anna trust his words? Sam and Dean looked as confused as she was, the only difference was that they were still pointing guns at the man whose name they still didn't know. They didn't even know what kind of creature he was.

She looked at him more carefully. He wasn't very young looking, clearly much older than her and her brothers. He was wearing a long, beige jacket as if he was some kind of professor. His eyes were soft but intimidating and there was no sign of smile on his face. Oddly, Anna had hard time even imagining a smile on the man's face, like it didn't belong there. He was looking around him and just sighed when he finally realized Sam and Dean was holding their guns at him. With one flick of a hand, the guns flew off their hands to the floor causing the boys look at him in horror.

"Again, who the fuck are you?" Dean repeated his question and Anna could hear he had gotten angry.

"I'm Castiel," the man finally said not clearing any confusions in the room. "I am the servant of God."

A silence fell in the room as everyone was trying to understand what the stranger had just said. The name Castiel didn't ring any bells in Anna's mind and it clearly didn't ring of any bells in her brothers either. Even Bobby looked like he had been hit by a car. The man claimed he was the servant of God. That couldn't be true. If he was the servant of God, it would mean he was an... angel and angels didn't exist. Anna had never heard of anyone who had seen an Angel and they had always assumed angels weren't real. So, why was this man saying he was one? He couldn't be; angels were not real.

Dean laughed. "A servant of God? That would make you..."

"An Angel," Castiel finished his sentence for him and Dean scoffed.

"Angels aren't real, darling," he said making Castiel frown at the word 'darling'. He tilted his head and looked at Dean carefully.

"Do you not believe in God, Dean Winchester?" He asked. Anna was mesmerized by his voice. It was low and calm but it also felt like she would do anything he told her to do. By asking Dean if he didn't believe in God didn't seem like he was trying to judge him, but he seemed to be honestly confused as why someone didn't.

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