Chapter 22: Somebody told me

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Song of the chapter: Somebody Told Me by The Killers 

"Anna," Bobby said as the young woman appeared behind his door. She had hitchhiked all the way from Kentucky to get back to his place. She hadn't wanted to stay with her brothers when everything was so weird. After she had let her brothers know that they should figure the angel thing out on their own, she had taken her stuff from the Impala and left.

On the way, Anna had texted Sam letting him know that she was fine and on her way to Bobby's so they wouldn't be so worried. Making them worry wasn't her intention and didn't want them to think they would have to drop everything in order to make sure she was fine. She just needed some time away from them knowing she was going to be just negative and that wouldn't help them at all in figuring out the whole Anna Milton case.

"Hi, Bobby," she said and smiled weakly.

"Did you idjits have a fight again?" Bobby asked as they moved to the living room. Anna sighed and sat down on the couch. She wasn't sure what to tell him. Should she tell him about the strange feeling inside her? Would it make him look like she was some kind of freak? Truthfully, Anna was already a freak, had been ever since her birth apparently.

Anna shook her head. "I don't know. I just got this feeling that I needed to step aside. I was being so negative all of a sudden. I don't what got into me."

Bobby looked very confused and Anna figured that maybe she should just tell him what she had said to her brothers in Kentucky. He would probably hear it from Sam and Dean anyway, and Anna knew that their version would be exaggerated and taken out of proportions, so maybe it would be better if she was the one to tell him.

She begun the story about how they met this Anna girl and could see the look on Bobby's face when Ruby's name was mentioned. Then she continued telling how they had brought the woman here and she had remembered that she was a fallen angel. This particular piece of information made Bobby jerk his eyebrow up. Anna told him about the tree in Kentucky and about the angels' threat to put her back in hell if they didn't hand the angel Anna to them.

"So, I might have just said to Sam and Dean to hand her over," Anna admitted ashamed of her own behaviour. She still didn't understand why she had said that when she would have never wanted to hand over innocent people to anyone. Bobby's face fell as he listened to her finishing the story clearly not sure what to say.

"You really think they should have handed her over? Even though, none of you knew what the angels were going to do to her?" Bobby asked in disbelief. "Even Castiel said to you that she must die. Why on earth would you hand her over?"

Anna shook her head disappointed at herself. "That's the thing! I don't know what got into me. I'd never want to do that to anyone, especially someone innocent. She's not an angel anymore, she's just human. It was like something popped inside me when I heard that they were threatening to put me back to hell."

Bobby seemed to understand her side too. "You know, we would never let that happen, right?"

"How could you stop it, though? Castiel said it; he pulled me out and he can also put me back and I don't think any of us have the power to stand up against a literal angel that serves the God," Anna said feeling the annoyance grow inside her again. The same warmth filled her stomach but this time it wasn't as pleasant; it was more like anger.

"You cannot seriously think your brothers would do anything to risk you going back to Hell." Bobby sounded upset even at the idea that Anna would think Sam and Dean would risk her life like that.

While Anna knew her brothers would always protect her, something inside her felt differently. The feeling was scary as if she suddenly didn't trust them anymore when she had always trusted them with her life. There had never been a point where her brothers didn't prove their trustworthiness, so why did Anna feel like something had changed? Could she have been offended them by trying to get them to hand the fallen angel to the other angels? Not to the extend where they would send her back to hell, that was for sure. But not to take her on hunts with them? Possibly.

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