Chapter 6: Have You Ever Seen The Rain

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Song of the chapter: Have You Ever Seen The Rain by Creedence Clearwater Revival 

Anna walked back to the abandoned building where she had left her brothers with light but worried steps. She was expecting to see Sam alive when she got there but she couldn't help but feel little bit off. She didn't regret making the deal, but knowing for sure she was going to die in two months scared her a bit. Death had never really scared her but now when it was coming in such a short time, it made her wonder what would happen to her after death. She knew she was going to Hell, there was no going around that. Selling her soul to a demon meant that Anna was bound to be pulled down under.

Again, she decided to ignore the thoughts about what she was going to suffer in Hell.

After taking few deep breaths, she opened the squeaky door into the building and stepped in. She was trying to listen to any noise but couldn't. Had the demon held her end of the bargain? Anna walked to the room where Sam's body had been laid and gasped when she saw her brothers hugging each other. Tears immediately filled her eyes as she rushed towards them and joined in the hug which surprised the boys.

They both pulled back from the hug. Dean looking at her with sadness in his eyes and Sam looked at her disappointed. He had been told about her making the deal, Anna could read it from his face. She wanted to scold Dean for doing that but knew Sam would have found out about it now or later. There was no idea of hiding it as she was going to die already in two months.

"I can't believe you did that!" Sam shouted. "You sold your soul to a demon? Anna!"

Anna was so happy to see her brother alive to not care about getting scolded by him. She admired Sam's face and how well he looked. He looked like he had never even died. Anna hugged him again tightly, but he didn't return the hug and just pushed her away. He and Dean were both looking at her seriously. She knew they wanted to know what kind of deal she had gotten but she didn't want to tell them, not yet. She wanted to feel this happiness. The pains in her body hadn't stopped for a minute but the feeling she got from looking at Sam made it easier to handle.

"Anna," Dean said with his low voice. "Tell us. What is the deal?"

Their sister gulped. "We don't have to talk about that now, let's celebrate that Sam's alive."


"Tell us," Sam demanded. Anna couldn't handle the expression on his face. He looked so hurt by her decision and Anna wondered how hurt he would have been if it had been Dean who made the deal.

"Two months," she then finally said and both boys yelped and their eyes widened. "I got two months."

"TWO MONTHS?" Dean raged. "What kind of shitty deal is that? You expect me to accept that you are just going to die in two months? This wasn't what we talked about! I thought we were talking about ten years – at least!"

Anna let him rage and then explained how neither of them would have gotten much better deal. Their father had made a deal already that had reduced the trust in the rest of the Winchesters. The demons weren't ready to make longer deals with them knowing that Sam and Anna were too important to them. The brothers listened to her in disbelief. They refused to believe that Anna wouldn't have gotten a better deal.

"Do you want to die, Anna?" Dean raged. "Is that what this is? Didn't you even try to get a better deal? You got fucking TWO MONTHS."

"For your information, I did try to get a better deal but they didn't let me," Anna said feeling hurt that Dean didn't trust her. "I don't think I would survive two months even without the deal, anyway. You know that."

Now Sam was confused. He hadn't been told anything that had happened after she woke up from the coma. Damn, he hadn't even hugged her to let her know how happy he was to see her awake. He had just been so angry at the thought that he was going to lose her again in few months but now he would lose her forever.

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