Chapter 28: Whiskey from the jar

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Song of the chapter: Whiskey In The Jar by Metallica 

Anna had never been to Ireland before but she found the emerald isle very beautiful. Everywhere was so green that she didn't think she had seen that much of green at a same time before. The rain was a downside but honestly, it rained everywhere in the world so it wasn't too bad. She enjoyed the fresh air even though she knew her trip overseas wasn't a happy one. She was there to learn the truth, not to enjoy the scenery. It was more like a work trip than a vacation.

Castiel had brought her here but he had had to leave as soon as they had gotten there. Anna understood, Sam and Dean needed him more than she needed. Therefore, she had rented a car in Dublin and was now on her way to County Kilkenny. She had decided to take the coast road and enjoyed driving all alone. It was only 1,5 hour trip which went by very quickly. She wasn't sure if Caoimhe was waiting for her or not, Castiel had tried to send a message to her but the woman hadn't answered. Apparently, she was a natural witch herself and she knew a lot about other natural witches so Anna was hoping that she would have some information on her. She was bit nervous meeting a witch on her own but according to Castiel, Caoimhe was trustworthy.

Anna had sent a message to Dean saying that she was going to take a trip on her own as soon as they had reached Ireland. It hadn't taken even two minutes for him to text her back. It had been one angry message which had been followed by a phone call Anna had ignored. It was understandable that her brother was angry that she had suddenly just disappeared god knows where, without telling them beforehand and not telling them anything why she had to leave. Castiel had promised her to say some lies to them but Anna was sure Dean wouldn't buy them at all.

She didn't like it that she had left the way she had, but it was a must. If she ever wanted to know the truth on whether she was a witch or not, Anna had to do things that were out of her comfort zones. This included leaving the country without telling her brothers. Honestly, she hadn't included her location in the message that she sent to Dean. Part of her was scared that he would fly here to get her back or force Castiel to bring him here and Anna couldn't have that. Sam and Dean were needed in the USA to fight off Lilith. They should focus on that rather than on her problems.

It had taken Anna only a moment to get used to driving on the left and only little bit more to get used to the wheel being on the right side of the car. She actually enjoyed the challenge that it brought her but after driving few miles (guess, she should say kilometres, though) it had gotten pretty normal experience. Dean would totally curse at the whole country for this, saying that only stupid people drove on the wrong side of the road. Anna laughed to herself as she thought her brother. She had been away for only few hours and she already missed them. It made her wonder if Sam had gotten out of detox already. Maybe she should sent another text to Dean to find out. He probably wouldn't even answer.

Anna took a left turn as she noticed the small sign directing her to the village of Ballyfoyle. She hoped Caoimhe's place would be easy to find but doubted it. It was already quite dark. Anna hadn't realized that the time difference was so big. She wasn't really sure how to read their time as they clearly used the 24-hour clock in Europe and she had never used it before. But apparently 20:00 meant that it was 8pm and back in Sioux Falls, the time at the moment would be 2pm so the time difference was six hours. Anna was sure she wasn't going to fall asleep very early tonight.

It took her 15 minutes to find the correct house. It was in the middle of nowhere but Anna really liked how the house looked like. It was like a cute cottage. She parked the rental car in front of the house and stood up. Caoimhe was supposed to be a nice woman, but she took her gun with her just in case something went wrong. As she walked closer to the front door, she could see some symbols having been carved into the wall. She let her hands slide over them and it sent small electric shocks to her fingers. It felt like light tingling. Anna assumed they were runes, at least they looked like ones.

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